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    does it come with installation manual? how responsive is the email support?
  2. Battery Draining Issue

    no, i would not put anything which sits between battery and OEM wirings. already have enough issues with slow roll engine turning off by itself even in the turn the engine shuts off randomly
  3. Front Tire Choices

    I would not touch any other tyre than avon for front because of safety, I have pushed my front avon cobra is meant for tight corner on this bike and bike was still balanced, i wont try with other brands unless the material is same as avon i.e. performance grade/sticky once hot etc .
  4. Here is a story.

    do you know part# or can show us, I am curious
  5. Flat head screw on radiator cap

    Me too ended in that situation almost and barely survived the stripped screw on radiator cap so I replaced that cheap garbage screw with Allen hex one and all is good now but you can start from those videos, very smart ideas there
  6. Weird clicking sound once the engine gets hot - VIDEO uploaded

    the racing one, which I put was green fluorescent
  7. Replacing handlebar grips

    chinese hybrid leather will definitely allow heat to pass
  8. Replacing handlebar grips

    look into leather wrap grips strips for handlebar?
  9. Battery Draining Issue try troubleshooting by yourself first, there could be a minor short eating batteries, or bad starter as Jagster said, without you putting effort good luck...
  10. Is This Right?

    pretty sure its not right, i have never seen that out.
  11. Two 02 sensors exhaust

    or there is no second o2 sensor
  12. Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    what you think about here? the bottom is already an engine guard, and the top circle is where the aliexpress mounts are being installed
  13. Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

    you think we can put frame sliders somewhere on these bikes? perhaps little longer?
  14. Master Ignition Switch ?

    USA law requires a secondary switch, because in case of emergency, first responders know where to turn off every motorcycle make and model right away The quick shifter kit is a fantastic upgrade that you'll appreciate every time you use it.
  15. Weird clicking sound once the engine gets hot - VIDEO uploaded

    i have also put a bigger oil filter, like couple MM longer than OEM one and its HIFLOW
  16. Weird clicking sound once the engine gets hot - VIDEO uploaded

    so I replaced oil yesterday, and I drained total of 3.5Liters or 3.6 quarts out in pan including oil filter, I remember adding 5liters/ 5.2 quarts of racing oil last year when I changed the oil. Not sure where the rest of the oil went? I dont see tip of exhaust having tons of deposit etc...
  17. Does anyone make frame sliders/protectors for these bikes?

    not triggered but this is the issue with this bike, someone needs to come up with a solution :) sliders IMO are easier to make, we can easily get them CNC locally, but where will they go :(
  18. Does anyone make frame sliders/protectors for these bikes?

    there is no frame, where will we put frame sliders? engine is part of so called frame, slider is gonna break casing.
  19. Does anyone make frame sliders/protectors for these bikes?

    I emailed Evotech 2 years ago asking same question and they said no, not gonna make it.