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  1. wzuccarello

    Considering to buy 2018 Rocket 3

    I wouldn't run it with the old gas. If there's not much in it now you can just top it off before driving it. I recently bought one that had 3 year old gas in it. Ita also a 2018 flat black with stripes. I used a dipstick oil evac pump to get the gas out. Not room for anything much bigger than...
  2. wzuccarello

    Damage repair

    I saw some used rocket crash bars on ebay last week. I think their more useful for preventing damage from falling over while stopped or moving slowly rather than for crash protection.
  3. wzuccarello

    Stepper motor regulation problems

    Thanks, I have a genuine Triumph manual. Also had to use the Toyota motor backplat This was exactly my problem! I had to use penetrant and pliers to loosen the idle linkage section on the throttle shaft above the stepper motor. It was stuck and keeping the butterflies from completely closing...
  4. wzuccarello

    Stepper motor regulation problems

    I was wrong, Triumph and toyota starter will turn both ways with pliers.
  5. wzuccarello

    Throttle linkage issue causing high idle.

    This also fixed the stepper adjustment issue.
  6. wzuccarello

    Throttle linkage issue causing high idle.

    Ok, I found the problem! The inner and outer throttle bushings above the stepper were fused together. They are supposed to move separately very slightly and have a little clearance about 1mm in the end plate dogs, that you can feel when you push the lever with the roller, and spring returns...
  7. wzuccarello

    Stepper motor regulation problems

    Yes the Triumph starter gear only spins one way with pliers. I do know to change out the nose of the Toyota starter. I do suspect a bad TPS. Thanks for the reply.
  8. wzuccarello

    Stepper motor regulation problems

    Thanks. I adjusted the stepper nut all the way off and couldn't get the stepper numbers to change much. Also same thing with another stepper motor. I need at this point to get it running and sync throttles and adjust tps a couple times to get it dialed in. Toyota starter arrives tomorrow!
  9. wzuccarello

    Stepper motor regulation problems

    I'm having similar problems as the OP. How do I apply the stepper motor for step 2?
  10. wzuccarello

    Stepper motor regulation problems

    Hello, I am having trouble with this spot. My throttle linkage is like the red circle picture. How or what needs adjusted to get linkage to match the picture with green circle?
  11. wzuccarello

    Throttle linkage issue causing high idle.

    I recently found this picture here and I'm having a problem here that is causing 2000 rpm high idle with my basketcase 2018. Previous owner messed with linkage, causinghigh idle. On my other rocket which runs fine there is a slight clearance where the green circle and I can push the lever with...
  12. wzuccarello

    Starter upgrade issues

    Never mind, I found it. Thanks.
  13. wzuccarello

    Starter upgrade issues

    Hello, I need to replace mt starter so I've been looking at old posts for information. Can you post a link or tell me where to find your video please?
  14. wzuccarello

    RESOLVED: 3 weeks troubleshooting, still stuck

    I had the same issue with intermittent misfires. I chased gremlins all over the engine for several weeks. Turned out that lightly snug spade connections on the coils is definitely not tight enough. When the ECU detects a momentary open connection on a coil it shuts the coil's power until...