Yes Dave the lifter shaft and lifter piece should be replaced. To replace the lifter piece you will have to pull the pressure plate. The disc will stay in the clutch basket. Before you unbolt the pressure plate, grab the clutch basket with your hands and see if you can pull or push it forward or back. I am having you check to make sure the basket is in tight. I would also do it again when you pull the pressure plate off. You will be able to see the clutch basket nut and where it is staked for anti rotation. We are looking for slop in the basket to make sure it is on the input shaft correctly. This is because the wear on the lifter shaft looks a wee bit abnormal; like the clutch basket is moving on the input shaft and rubbing the back of the lifter shaft. This is a rub I have never seen before so we want to check and make sure the basket is all the way on the shaft. Another reason we want to look at this is because the back of the clutch basket is what drives both the oil pumps and the water pump. if you look under the basket in the back of it you will see the drive chain.
This is the drive chain for the oil and water pumps I was referring to; see the pins on the face of the large gear:
Here is the chain mounted to the tranny input shaft the clutch basket is on and the oil pump drive gear.
Below is the back of the clutch basket with the six drive holes that drive the oil pump chain
Ok I could not find a picture with the pressure plate off showing the clutch nut I was referring to but when you get yours off we shall see. When taking the bolts out of the pressure plate you should be careful. These bolts are weak little ones and should be taken off and put on a little at a time like dealing with lug nuts cross pattern this way the spring tension loosens evenly. The same with going back on because you can also warp the steels in between the fibers which will make the clutch drag and hard to shift. These little buggers should be torqued to the proper tension. In fact I changed mine for better and longer ones I got from Fastenall. It is a small amount of torque NM or inch pounds: only 10 NM or 88.51 inch pounds so you will need a 3/8 drive torque wrench do not use a half inch drive. You can get a cheap priced one at Harbor freight.
I cannot say this loud enough it is important you follow the torque because drilling out the little broke bolts can and in most cases will suck!!!!!!!!!
Here is the right lifter piece you need to order; check with the dealer and make sure you ordered the right one. Also I only have 3 dealers near me; two 200 miles away and one 240 miles away I order all my Parts through Andy Lauritzen at North County Yamaha. He is the best and the prices are also the best I have found even with shipping.
Also I use this method to adjust the clutch cable for proper free play taught to me by a good Triumph tech.
Look how the cable Ferrell is all the way into the clutch handle. this is with no pressure on the clutch lever
Now I adjust it until I can pull the cable out 2 to 3 mm as you can see in the Ferrell below.
You can see the gap between the cable Ferrel and the knurled clutch cable adjusting stud in the picture above.
No matter what method you use you want to actuate the clutch lever a few time and check again. After that I also warm the engine up and actuate the clutch lever a few times and check again. Since I start the engine warm it up and actuated the clutch lever it makes sure everything is seated in before my final check.
When checking you will also see the crank arm on the clutch cover move and you should also be able to check that there is some free play down there by just moving it a little with hand pressure. You will feel the lifter shaft contact the lifter piece. I do not know if it will be 2 to 3 mm because it a a rotational movement. But the point is there should be some free play.
Also Dave take a picture of your timing chain guides particularly the one on the tensioner side the left one as you facing the open engine I want to see what type you have in her. If you do not want to post it my e-mail address is:
Just because I posted my e-mail does not mean I want anyone to send me junk male but pictures of sparsely dress or naked ladies will be appreciated