Still here in lock-down. It's another sunny day tomorrow and no riding. I only had time to put 970 miles on the new bike before lock-down so not even run in yet. Wishing all members continuing good health!
Ride 2006 Classic in the colour Blue which is no slower than black.
Came with thunderpipes, Ramair fitted November 2017. Up date kit fitted July 2018. OMG no blue emojis
Hello Warp. I just typed a note but said too long.. where can I send a longer one or email? I'm trying to get your help with oil drain plug valves for ez changes
HansO just wondering if you still have any maps like this? I have an 04 with viking header open slip on muffler,3 x knN pods with a freshly installed pc5 + autotune. Any help is hugely appreciated
Hi Hanso , hope all is well , I need a tune if possible , I have a 2013 roadster with vin number ending 611917 and i need a tune for Tors and Ramair so would the Hans0 tune for 2014+Roadster,Tors,triple/Ramair filters,etc. Be good ? Any help would be greatly recieved to get me started , best Regards Mark .email is