Kim Turner Mittzy Kim Turner wrote on Mittzy's profile. Dec 27, 2020 Do you have any left or all gone? Thank you
Ava8harrierusmc1 Dec 9, 2020 Former U.S. Marine former LVN nurse now disabled but still full of life. Planning on getting my friends 2014 Rocket III Touring.
Former U.S. Marine former LVN nurse now disabled but still full of life. Planning on getting my friends 2014 Rocket III Touring.
Kit Nat69's girl Kit wrote on Nat69's girl's profile. Dec 7, 2020 what you riding at the moment there in Devon UK
TurboFan leigh_m_gardner TurboFan wrote on leigh_m_gardner's profile. Dec 6, 2020 Thought I recognized that set of Sam's pipes on your bike. Great looking bike!
Sbeud Black Sprinter Sbeud wrote on Black Sprinter's profile. Nov 21, 2020 Wow....very Nice.... juste the collector.. In black And perfect
bernard TURBO200R4 bernard wrote on TURBO200R4's profile. Nov 12, 2020 Have you replaced your rear wheel bearings?
Bernard Vinet webmaster Bernard Vinet wrote on webmaster's profile. Oct 15, 2020 I've help R3 owners on the road a couple of times, & would like my name to be on the Map in Montreal just in case someone is in need of road side assistance. If I can help I will & I certainly can point to other people that can also help.
I've help R3 owners on the road a couple of times, & would like my name to be on the Map in Montreal just in case someone is in need of road side assistance. If I can help I will & I certainly can point to other people that can also help.