Zero idle

Seems like you had some trouble with the little IAT sensor back when you went to k & n filters or ramair. Think that air temperature sensor helps the bike idle, if the problem gets worse when bike warms up, I'd say it's not working.
Thanks Carl , yes I did . Although then the idle was just erratic but it did idle . Moving it to where it is presently had solved that problem . I have checked it and cleaned it , plus no codes up on tune ecu ?

Map values are 120 x3

It is pulling a vacuum value 120..?

I have seen it where balance is spot on but there is still a leak, and the wrong vacuum level for idle rpm will cause incorrect fuelling so the motor dies.

Also have you a video of this issue occurring
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It is pulling a vacuum value 120..?

I have seen it where balance is spot on but there is still a leak, and the wrong vacuum level for idle rpm will cause incorrect fuelling so the motor does.

Also have you a video of this issue occurring
not yet . It will be a day or 2 now before I can get to my bat cave oweing to work commitments . would you suggest checking the manifold rubbers for leaks ?
not yet . It will be a day or 2 now before I can get to my bat cave oweing to work commitments . would you suggest checking the manifold rubbers for leaks ?

Something seems weird about 120 as the vacuum value. If using TuneECU, the values are in hPa and are normally 550-650 kind of range at idle, if using TuneBoy or Triumph diagnostics they will be a little lower since they measure in mmHg, maybe around the 425-490 region.

But in any case 120 is way too low to be normal.. That's like almost outer space vacuum, way too low. A leak would mean higher pressure/less vacuum e.g. 800 or 900 hPa, getting closer to ambient which is around 1000 hPa give or take.
A much lower than normal pressure/higher vacuum reading would surely mean a faulty MAP sensor.

There are plenty of other things that affect idle control but this looks very suspicious.

To show what i mean, you can see from the 2010 Roadster map here that if the vacuum value on the MAP is say closer to 597 hPa, and the rpm is closer to 900rpm, the "quantity" of fuel is 2720. That is the right amount so that fuelling will not upset idle and will keep the AFR nice around 14.5:1 or whatever.

If something goes arseways at idle and the MAP sensor "sees" 120 hPa for example, the fuel quantity dosed will be under 1060.
Not even half as much as required, and therefore extremely lean/starved, causing the engine to conk.

I could be way off here but if the vac value is indeed 120 then it's suspicious.

Thanks for that , time to dig deeper methinks ?