Somewhere, you have a picture of your own beautiful Rocket the FIRST day you brought it home, before all of the alterations we subject them to now. I'll start the show, please follow, one pic should suffice, except for those that have owned multiple Rockets.
Please state year, model if you are so inclined.
2006 Rocket III Classic /Fairing and Bags are Corbin and on it when I picked it up
Been struggling to find an early pic I took but this is from the advertisement. '09 less than 3 months old, ridden from Perth to Canberra (4,000km) and sold - to me - with 5,000 on the clock. I didn't realise she already had a Staintune cat bypass (visible in pic) so I bought a Triumph one , which I sold to BigAl once I realised I didn't need it.
And I'll confess, I really wanted a black one. BUT, I'm soooooooooooooo glad this is one I got.
First one I rode and fell in love with was graphite. Best colour with the grey engine I reckon. I also almost bought a honey gold one and was about to ride to Sydney to pick up a new black one when I happened across the one I got. As I've said, Rocket can be any colour it wants to be.