You all take care of yourselves

That was a good base Cooter. When you see your MD, revisit your blood sugar, blood pressure and whatever else he sees fit. The stroke patient is at risk for a heart event. The TIA event is a predictor of Stroke. Like Tony Robbins says; "It is time to Take Action" Ask you doctor about all that.

Water my friend. I hate water but force myself to drink it. The blood actually gets sticky if you don't hydrate frequently. It's easy in Florida to loose track of how much you sweat. Mark a litter plastic bottle and drink it throughout the day. More if your doctor says so. If you smoke STOP!
Good Luck
Sorry to hear, my friend, I hope you bounce back. I recently told my sin in law that the day the Rocket gets too heavy form me, it's his, getting closer every day. People look at me funny because I tend to ride the sport bikes more, but they're much lighter.
Glad to see you still with us Cooter. Say a prayer, take it slow and don’t panic. Wishing you the best.
Sorry to hear of your "event". Glad it wasn't worse than it was. Even if you ran the old engine kinda hard early on it's not to late to make some changes. I'm sure you have a lot of miles left to go ! Listen to your doctor and read everything you can about this. Ride on brother !
Hope you feel better soon. For what its worth I have had 3 TIAs and a heart attack with one Stent installed so far. Two of the TIAs I was driving, one I was in a meeting with a client. Not fun. I have recovered fully from all these issues. Just waiting on the fourth TIA so I can be 4 stroker. Any way, dont be discouraged, it will all be good. Find the best Doctors around to get some test done and take the prescribed drugs as instructed and you will be a happy rider again. You cant live with what ifs, I did that after the first TIA and I stayed off my bikes for almost a year. I was miserable. My thoughts and prayers to you for a speedy recovery both in health and mind.
Old and grumpy, I'll be here whenever you get settled. Nice to have friends, and Bud's (long neck). And Rick, wow! 3 TIA's. They are scarry ain't they. Having no control over what's happening I found quite frightful. My VA primary care Dr is scheduling an appointment, and I'll probably do an MRI at the clinic, not so stressful as it was in the hospital. Got a good nights rest, and feelin pretty good this morning.
I am relieved to hear you are getting better each day brother. Stay the course and hopefully you won't to pare-down your stable unless that is what you really want to do.