You all take care of yourselves

I am glad to see you are on the right side of it. Do what the doctor tells you and keep getting better.
Sorry to read this.

My dad had a stroke at age 72 while checking traps in a ditch on a back dirt road. He managed to crawl up the bank and passed out again. Luckily an ATV
came by and they got him to the hospital.

He missed much of that riding season but was back in the saddle again the following year.

At 75 he was rear ended by a drunk friend who was doing 60MPH in a pickup truck. He lost another riding season recovering but took the insurance money from the totaled
bike and bought a Texas-made QLINK 250 (and proceeded to tape off the tail on the Q and replaced the L with a dash so the nameplates read O-INK ).

He was down most of last year due to a hernia in his groin but hopes to be putting around his town this year at age 81.

I hope I'm still riding at that age.

Cooter; what were your follow up instructions? Do you have a primary doctor? Does he know what happened? You can't just go forward with baby aspirin. If that is the case, it must be under medical supervision. How is the rest of you? Blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fats, heart rhythm? Have they looked at your neck to see if you have a problem in the Carotid artery? I mean, this is serious stuff. Just baby aspiring and go home, sounds kind'a short medicine.

Great to hear cootertwo. Keep that positive attitude engaged and don't give up on the Rockets too soon, unless your selling them to purchase a 2020 TFC.... All the best during the recovery. Make the most of this second chance.
Wow .... I hope you keep it together man. You are on my list of people I want to meet when I ride the States in the next couple of years. Remember .... good whisky relaxes blood vessel walls and thins the blood. Hurricanes can't beat you, this **** can't.
was that the wife from BurntIsland?????????? if so that sounds about what they would say.