You all take care of yourselves

Wow! What a great bunch of people! Never realized just how many these threads get to. Thanks all for the reply's. I'll get better. Just got to get over the freeky part, of not knowing what the heck was taking place, and having no control over it. Will be taking baby aspirins daily, and taking it easy for a few days till I get to feeling normal. Then back to being a Rocket pilot, though a bit more cautious.
That's bad news Cooter but fortunate also you were in a position to get help...some folk arnt..
We live life how it pleases us mostly and probably when we are young we didnt bother too much if it was healthy or long as it was fun right?
So we gotta take what is served. We all are rooting for you brother and wishing you the best. The medical folk these days are awesome...youre in good hands...good luck and be strong.Cheers Tal.

Yeah, but that is Amaurosis Fugax. Transient loss of vison in one eye. This guy was paralyzed on one whole side. The artery affected is larger and the probable source of emboli is different. You probably have an arrhythmia and....we don't know what he's got. The medicine is different for each case. Your luck is that the doctor knew what he was doing and you got the correct therapy.

Cooter, stay connected and let's make sure you are getting the right stuff.

you can always get another wife,,,,,,,you cant get another life
Hope you make a quick and pain free recovery cootertwo all the best pal.