This is what I woke up to - pretty tough going in OZ going to be 32 deg C today.....
Ha ha sorry

aint got any pics but mornings been 15 to 25 degrees warming up to 55 to 65 daytime so dry were farting dust
Here's what I woke up to the last ten days. View from the back yard in marathon fl. Bay side!! And my MIL on a soft tail, duval st. Weather was perfect, 86 degrees everyday!!! My liver needs a break. On the way home, 850 miles today, 7 family member in my wife's suburban, fun stuff. 50 degrees at home and 40mph winds can't wait!!!
I feel your pain. The same exact pain. We have about 4" on the deck. I guess I'll mess with my new fairing. I have to figure out the the speaker balance...
I know the feeling. Just moved down from the frozen Tundra a couple years ago.
This time if year is the worst up North.

CAN YOU SAY CABIN FEVER. May will be here soon. Hang on brother it is almost mosquito season.
Here is looking out my back door a couple minutes ago. Can you tell it's my weekend off work :mad:

My feelings exactly, picked the worst weekend off for spring cleaning, got most of the next week off as well to get bunch of stuff done but with this BS I'll have to get some projects done in garage instead. Definitely no riding though which bums me out the most:banghead: