Wow! and WTF?

Sounds like I need to make room on the GiPro soap box for Ugarte, got a feeling there's gonna be a run on them in the near future. Funny thing, I always kinda thought they should make a cheaper version without a display for those who already have a gear position indicator or didn't want it exposed. Just a little box with a multi-position switch on the side for whatever mode you want. I see they've made a tiny model just for the gear position, maybe in the future they will get smaller and be that size with the ATRE feature.

(****, I knew I should have bought stock in the company 3 years ago) LOL

Still, where do you buy that kind of power for $160? Amazing value in my book. I know it's not the optimum, but what's a GiPro, PCIII, Exhaust, removing secondary throttle plates, Triple filters and a good dyno tune cost total?? ...............

..... under $1000.
The exhaust is the expensive part and there are used TOR's, D&D's, Jardines, etc. out there to keep the cost lower.

That easy combination will net you over 150hp and 155fpt in ALL gears easily with daily driver reliability. Sure beats going after those numbers without a plan and spending a sh*t load more. This might start another one of those arguments over which way is better, and I'm not saying this one is ... I'm just saying it's cheaper, easier, more reliable and takes less mechanical knowledge on the part of the rider. No tinkering necessary.
"GiPro, PCIII, Exhaust, removing secondary throttle plates, Triple filters and a good dyno tune." "That easy combination will net you over 150hp and 155fpt in ALL gears easily with daily driver reliability"

When you say net, you mean improve it by that much? I don't think that is what you meant, because it seems that would put it over 300fpt and almost 300hp. If that's true, it will be a whole new monster
You have to be kidding .... funny.

Just in case, that's Rear Wheel Horsepower and Torque, Not the phony numbers Triumph advertises. Your stock Roadster advertised 144hp would be lucky to put down 120hp at the rear wheel.
Wouldn't you get the same results using TuneECU to open the secondary's and coping the I table for 5th gear to the other I tables except you only spent $15 for a cable...

Granted, your won't have on the fly downgrade capability, and the gear display (my R3R has the display stock, can't attest to the older models)

Is there something else I'm missing?

Yea your missing the point that a gipro is plug and play
No fooling around hooking up to a computer and messing around with the bikes ecu and it only takes fifteen minutes to install its plug and PLAY with the option to turn off with the push of a button the gear indicator is immaterial in my opinion if you have a tach and know how to ride and count there is no need for agear indicator
The atre function is woth the price of admission alone

Yeah, the TuneECU process i.e. downloading all the right software, drivers, etc and learning how to use it confidently takes time, and with some people a LOT of time. I also found the related websites very confusing. So I just said ***itol and went for the Gipro, no regrets either.

I like the Gipro gear indicator also, yeah its clunky looking but so is the switchbox for the heated grips and foglights, so are the Baker Air Wings, so is the enormous clearview windshield and lowers. The Gipro fits right in with all that clunkiness, in fact I placed it on top of the heated grips switchbox and it looks like it was meant to be there. It sure isn't necessary though, but its fun to watch it go up and down as you change gears.
Thank you two for answering that question, I am exhausted fielding those. It's the same question all the time .... "yeah, but can't you do the same thing with ....?"

You guys covered it, simple, plug-n-play, removable, changeable with a button, etc.. I also like the one "No ECU lobotomy required". LOL

I never liked the idea of just going into the bikes brain and changing numbers all "willy nilly" hoping for the best. Using some other guys tune not tailored for your bike freaks me out, but some are willing to just erase theirs and insert another. Gives me the creeps.

That kind of programming alteration should be done on an individual basis by a tech with a dyno and exhaust gas analyzer. I'm a fully qualified ex-mechanic and capable of doing the lobotomy, but I don't have the dyno or exhaust gas sniffer at my disposal. So I don't do it because I know the consequences of doing it wrong.

It boils down to .... Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
On a lighter note ... today I was taking the Comcast DVR in to exchange it and had it strapped to the back. Of course I was riding lid-less, shorts, sandals and goofy Hawaiian shirt looking like a complete wannabe. (when I go goofy, I go goofy )
Minding my own business on 40hwy in traffic, this rolling poster boy for Harley Davidson starts trying to get my attention by reving his cut down and stripped soft-tail with a big S&S motor at me. He wants to race and is laughing at the way I'm dressed, he looks just the opposite in typical HD dirtbag style. So we are rolling along and I slow down to let the cars ahead get some distance and he does too, we are now getting ready to race from a rolling start. When enough distance clears ahead of us he nods and I motion "you say when". So I wait for him to take off and I just roll on the throttle as he is leaving.....

.... I passed him on one wheel and reached 100mph in just over a block, so I slow back to traffic speed and wait for him to catch up. He's shaking his head and giving me the thumbs up ... I don't know if he didn't realize what I was riding or if the goofy looking dude (me) wasn't up to the task. LOL

It was fun and stupid at the same time, but how can you resist that? I know I can't.
ok, so like I thought.

When I first got my bike, I connected the cable downloaded my map from the ecu, changed the tables and uploaded it back. took 5 mins then another 12 min for the tps reset & only cost $15, and all I had to do was remove the seat.

But I can understand that there are a lot of people that are anxious about using a computer, much less reprogramming the bikes ecu, so I can see where the gipro would be good for some people. Just not the cheapest

Not a hater, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

It's surprising how many HD guys have no clue about this bike!!!