On a lighter note ... today I was taking the Comcast DVR in to exchange it and had it strapped to the back. Of course I was riding lid-less, shorts, sandals and goofy Hawaiian shirt looking like a complete wannabe. (when I go goofy, I go goofy
Minding my own business on 40hwy in traffic, this rolling poster boy for Harley Davidson starts trying to get my attention by reving his cut down and stripped soft-tail with a big S&S motor at me. He wants to race and is laughing at the way I'm dressed, he looks just the opposite in typical HD dirtbag style. So we are rolling along and I slow down to let the cars ahead get some distance and he does too, we are now getting ready to race from a rolling start. When enough distance clears ahead of us he nods and I motion "you say when". So I wait for him to take off and I just roll on the throttle as he is leaving.....
.... I passed him on one wheel and reached 100mph in just over a block, so I slow back to traffic speed and wait for him to catch up. He's shaking his head and giving me the thumbs up ... I don't know if he didn't realize what I was riding or if the goofy looking dude (me) wasn't up to the task. LOL
It was fun and stupid at the same time, but how can you resist that? I know I can't.