Would you part ways with your Rocket?

There's a load of bikes I'd love to have, but so far nothing I'd come close to giving the rocket up for. I'd like to add something to the stable that would be a little better on dirt/ gravel/ grass, which is the one thing I'll say the rocket does poorly. One of these days I'm going to trade up to a roadster to get abs, but unless triumph comes up with something better, or stops producing parts, there will be a rocket in my garage for the forseeable future.

If indian came out with a longitudinal inline 4 that performed on a similar level as the rocket.... that might do it, but I'm not holding my breath. I don't think the rocket has sold well enough to entice any other players into the niche they created.
Dayumn! That's cool! It aint no 140 cubes cool though! I'm glad more motor styles are coming to the forefront.
I hope to ride the rest of my life.

I could see going back to a Goldwing someday just from a long distance comfort level. But if all goes according to plans it won't be for many years.
Mine's a keeper...I like other bikes, but only to add to my stable...not to replace.
It looks cool as hell. It just needs more displacement, water cooling, and 4 valves per cylinder... and a triumph logo. lol.
If the weight of mine gets to be too much it'll be off to Lehman or Moto Trike or somebody to give it trike treatment. I am pretty sure it has power aplenty for that.