Would you consider having a Norton 961 in your garage?

There used to be a company (perhaps they are running still??) that were offering to build you a brand new Commando from original parts, either made new or professionally refurbished. Casting my mind back, they weren't massively expensive, but I guess they wouldn't be quite so affordable now that the all new model is being marketed at wealthy collector prices.
Nice BOOTS !
I agree
Just found this, a P11 American market Ranger.
This would be my pick of the original 750's.
Currently on sale. Yours for 13 grand.
That's a beaut. Being sold by the same auction house as the one I posted. The P11 Rangers were only for export to the states. They're rare and fetch a high premium. I'd be happy with either. I'm just a sucker for the dual-purpose P11 - it had a modified frame - and the high level pipes. But I'd buy that one like a shot is I had a spare ten grand that I'd otherwise waste on mortgages, tax bills, food etc. In fact it's very good value considering what little 10K will get you in the classic market.

Though saying that, for half the price I'd love a fettled ES2. Bok bok bok....

I've just spotted that the one I highlighted, looks to have the wrong exhaust on it (?)
The high level one shown on yours looks like the one that should be there.
Details, details......how did I not spot that biggie...
I've just spotted that the one I highlighted, looks to have the wrong exhaust on it (?)
The high level one shown on yours looks like the one that should be there.
Details, details......how did I not spot that biggie...
If the pipes are the only thing wrong with it, that could be a bit of a bargain. Seat, tail light cluster and headlamp look wrong too but easy fixes. If it's sound otherwise.... Go on, get your money out!