Would like to ride the ultimate torque machine, is this a good deal?

A bit much $.
You should be able to find ones in great shape, classic to touring in all years 1st and 2nd gens with bags and all the stuff for no more than about 6k. There are some amazing nice low milage ones out there for about 5k
Transmissions are big issues, so are electrical grounding issues, and detent spring and a few other quarks. I would not say that is worth more then $6k. Don't get wrapped into having feelings about them. Buy smart, then have fun.
I see 3 in my Colorado area in AMAZING SHAPE with under 10K miles for about 5k, one of them is at a dealership Steels cycles and has a nice exhaust and some other stuff for $5,200 with ONLY 5K miles.
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Do not over pay. When mine got totaled i got a check for almost 7 grand to keep her, this is WHY you never buy anything for what its max worth is.
I know your not in CO but just understand WHY you should be spending x vs x+30%
if we had a proper six speed trans rocket would be just about perfect, yeah the new ones look sweet and have all the new tech but its too small and more sport bike i.e rice burner setup then i would prefer,sorry 2.5ers lol
If you are not the person to be able to pull an engine and do the work, the job will total the motorcycle. It's a very common issue that at this life is just a ticking time bomb. Combine that with some other triumph typical bs, imo this bike is not for someone who wants a supper reliable cheap to work on motorcycle.
I'm a realist and by nature an optimist but that's because I have grown the skills to solve most of my problems.