Wolf among the sheep

Every time I leave a visit to a Harley dealership, I never miss the opportunity to get some fiendish delight by wheelie-ing out the driveway. I just can't help myself.
I've had the manager of the Triumph dealership tell me them big cruisers were powerful but couldn't wheelie.

Not saying you can't have fun on other bikes .. but really enjoying ,as in liking it enough to own it .. well that's another thing I reckon. All I know is I haven't ridden anything that I'd swap my Rocket for .. but I purposefully haven't ridden a Diaval or the new Guzzi Grisso
My wife's cousin has a V-rod, told me when he bought his, the salesman said the first 5 he sold were dropped at low speed, he was aware of it, and never dropped it, but from the way they are set up, with the long rake in the front etc., that would appear to be their weakness.
On another note, I have done this...it is APPARENTLY bad form to show up at a Harley test our metal day, and ask if they have any man-size bikes....sensitive bunch.
I have a good friend that rides a Goldwing, when we ride together that's the only time i feel like i'm riding a smaller bike......
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People around here get real butt-hurt when you blaspheme by suggesting Harley isn't the greatest bike ever made.
I have a good friend that rides a Goldwing, when we ride together that's the only time i feel like i'm riding a smaller bike......

I'm sorry but I can't get over how ridiculous that yellow thing looks. It even has a rear window.
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I totally agree - almost. Really enjoying other bikes these days and to be honest, not even tempted to take the Rocket out lately - but I am struggling with the final separation.
I totally agree - almost. Really enjoying other bikes these days and to be honest, not even tempted to take the Rocket out lately - but I am struggling with the final separation.
Final seperation, thats just not cricket old boy! Chocs away and toodle pip!!