Wolf among the sheep

When the Rocket is leaned over onto the stand, it just stops. When you lean a Harley over, you'll notice that the stand will touch down and then the bike will lean over just a bit more onto it. When you do that a small tab on the pivot slides up into a slot and locks the stand in place. Of course, some morons miss the tab or don't put the stand down all the way and the bike falls. That's operator error, not a design flaw. If done properly, the bike will move slightly back and forth but it will not collapse the stand and fall over until the bike is leaned up and taken off the stand.
I noticed the parking right off too.
Makes a man feel pretty good to be different from the herd don't it?
Harley guys only park that way in case they need to make a "quick" (relatively speaking) getaway...

The rocket is just embarrassed to be seen with all the "other" bikes. She probably feels slighted to have been parked next to "all them Harleys"
The thing that made me laugh was the sight of all those bat wing fairings. Ridiculous looking things.
How glorious does the Rocket look without even a screen. A real bike.

Makes sense now. Easy and effective!
Funny. I was riding the things yesterday and got to wax one today.

As we passed through a small town; I came up behind a dude on a gold, black chrome street glide with fancy looking pipes and air box.
He was blipping the throttle and hammering it away from the lights.
At one point the traffic moved around a bit so that I got in front of him and he made a show of getting back in front. LOL!

Right after the last light leaving town; he got in front of the cars first and was on the throttle getting a good lead. That only made it more fun.
I left her in third for a bit and shifted into fourth as I passed.

It was a beautiful bike. Kind of a shame the rider thought is was more than a piece of art.

Well,---all I would add is, the locking side-stand, is the only thing worth paying all yer hard earned for, The rest of the bike doesn't appeal to this ol' boy.. ALL show--NO go..

But each to his own eh?.

Hmmm--- I wonder if the lock-out,side-stand is patented ?--I've not seen any other bikes with that idea ?.
Said it before .. Rockets should come with a sticker on the tank saying .. CAUTION. RIDING THIS BIKE WILL RUIN YOUR CHANCE OF REALLY ENJOYING RIDING ANY OTHER BIKE AGAIN.

Not always brother, I test rode a Suzuki TU250 last weekend and had a blast on the little bugger. It is so different than a Rocket but a real hoot to ride around town. The guys in front of me were riding a GSXR 750 and 1000 and the guy behind me was on the Hyabusa. He couldn't keep up and the two in front of me kept getting in my way. Ride that little bike within its torque band (whatever it is) and that little kid smile comes alive. Makes me want to track down that fellow I tried to buy the old '68 Yamaha from, and see if he is ready to sell yet.
My ole' ElectraGlide had a locking side stand. In 1969 they didn't worry about things like a side stand safety switch. They are great as long as you don't forget to put them up. Otherwise that first left turn can be REAL exciting.