Bad tempered I have never met a Scotsman with a bad temper:confused: Scots only have two levels#1 Pissed off all the time, @2 Lets get the bastards.
I have met both the former and the latter !
Deeply misunderstood tho , the Scottish race . Hadrian couldn't work em out either so he built a bloody great Wall ! :unsure: :unsure: :)
Twice in my life I've f_cked hard by a bad running motorcycle (I.E. hours of troubleshooting) only to fine I got a bad tank of gas. The fact that the problem started after sitting can also point to water in the fuel. I got watery gas in my old shovel head while at the Harley 90th anniversary in Milwaukee. When first started it would barely run as the water would all settle to the bottom of the tank. Once you suffered through the first 5 minutes the water would mix up enough where it would come in small enough amounts where the engine could deal with it. Practically rebuilt that SOB in a hotel parking lot before discovering the real problem :mad:

I had the same thing happen with an outboard motor. :thumbsup: