.040 Over
Noticed the longer shocks .. the Gazis i'm running are the same length. Like the way they make the bike sit plus the extra ground clearance. Really surprised more of the Owners haven't 'liked' your mods. Guess the majority like the bags and screen look .. oh and chrome everythingstrokes for folks I guess. I reckon it's a killer Rocket myself.
Thanks again. Yeah. I had mine all chrome before but I needed a change. Everyone is going completely black so I thought I would go a different route. Hell, that's why I got the R3 back in 05 because no one else had one. I'm actually surprised I haven't had more questions about the exhaust set up. I saved a hell of a lot of money doing it myself and I thought it looked just as good as the on on NewR3 for 1/10th the cost. I even made myself a heat shield and had it powdercoated but I thought the exhaust wrap really stuck more to the look I was going for. I can always throw it on later.