I will be taking my battery indoors when it finally goes into hibernation. When I bought the bike it was delivered with a low battery and the morning after delivery it wouldn't start. On Friday when I went to start it in preparation to riding it to the dealership yesterday for its annual service, the battery was low again and it wouldn't start. I had taken it for a 150 mile ride only two weekends before so I assumed the battery would be fine.
I put the battery on charge at home overnight and it started fine in the morning. The dealership checked both battery health and the charging system and could find nothing wrong with either. Charging was fine and the battery was holding full voltage. They said that these big engines need a battery on maximum charge to spin them over reliably. Let it drop even a little and they can struggle. My KTM can stand for a month and the battery will still start it. These Rockets won't put up with that it would seem and too many failed starts is only going to weaken the battery further. So in future, during the riding season I'm going to make sure the bike is ridden or the battery charged on a weekly basis and over winter the battery's coming indoors and going on an Optimiser.