Windvest Screen or Windshield

Windvest vs Windshield

I purchased one of the new 18"screens from Windvest and was very happy with their customer service.Good product and prompt delivery.Delivered to my door in 6 days and i live in rural Tasmania, Australia.I was doing 180kph+ the other day sitting up behind the screen in complete comfort.Now all i gotta do is hang on like mad to my licensce and not the handle bars as I did with the previous unfaired situation! :wink:
I have been thinking about getting a fly screen with my Rocket, can anyone tell me what the fly screen does besides kill flys or is it more for looks :?: :?: :lol:
The flyscreen takes wind pressure off your chest at the same time keeping the wind flow at head level constant and clean, you need a full face helmet! :D
I like mine a lot, but looking for the ideal screen for touring, that is quick and easy to swop with the flyscreen! 8)
since warhorse is watching this thread & feedback
I'll ask you so he knows & MiamiDave might give some feed back as why he did :!:
Since You own flyscreen are there any issues with the starting key :?:
I know MD modified his flyscreen ,I just can't remember why
he moved his out a bit.
I have big fat hands but I can get to the key ok, not perfect bit of a fiddle at awkward angle but you get use to it but I don't know what they were thinking when they located it there :roll:

MD extented the fly's brackets to improve airfllow to relieve more pressure from chest and the extra room for the key was a bonus, if I remember correctly :? But not sure Dragline :)
my height is 188.5cm........think that is 6'2".Still fiddling with screen settings might be able to get it better still.Maybe i will try brackets upside down and have the screen on lower holes.All in all 100% pleased though you do get a little wind on the ribs and arms but i dont consider that a problem ,not like riding the unfaired bike was .Buy the "barn door" or one of those funky Corbin big screens.

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