
The lower I have were used Harley FLH. Have mounted them with two and one bolt. Works both ways. The hardware for a Triumph windshield is hard to find. Someone here in the Group might have one in the garage. That is your best bet. Of all the aftermarket shields, Windvest looks and works the best.
14 x 16 or 16 x 16. Call them to see which bar clamps are best.
Where did you get your giant fly screen? Can post photo? Found an xl fly screen in England.
I have 2 windshields, 1 stock Triumph, and 1 brand new Clearview, and all the brackets, etc. I don't like a windshield on the Rocket, as it mounts to the forks. Where I live, there are lot's of semi's and dump trucks, and on a 2 lane 60 mph road, the wind blast as one of the larger vehicles pass you from the opposite direction causes some tense moments, front end wobble, etc. etc. Besides, I like the wind in my face. Local pickup only on these windshields, will go for next to nuttin. Labelle/Ft Myers.