windshield bags


Standard Bore
Mar 15, 2006
Hello fellow R3 owners, my question to all of you folks is do you know of any companies that make windshield bags for the triumph windshield? I don't want saddlebags just want something small to carry a few essentials. Also don't want a tank bag,tassles or conchos. Sorry to sound so fussy but just not anything goes on my beauty. Thanks I'am sure for any feedback.
Got mine from JC Whitney
Wisconson makes a bag that is a branded Harley bag also. Get the one without the logo and save $50! It has the recessed nut area and won't require a longer bolt, as do some bags. It looks very nice as well.
wiindshield bags

Howard can you give me the web site for this bag?and thanks for the response.
Re: wiindshield bags

moharet said:
Howard can you give me the web site for this bag?and thanks for the response.
Found mine at a local bike store that sell harleys-Big Daddy's. Try the harley dealers and I'll bet that they have both styles-branded & unbranded-but the same bag.
Hope this helps!
wingandaprayer said:
ATMofMN said:
Just wondering, how you turn the key with the bag mounted?


Just like before putting the windshield bag on - with your hand.

Here's a thread based on my question. ... highlight=

Of course, if you have dainty little hands, maybe you don't know that it could be difficult to turn the key with a bag mounted.

ATM, I bought one some time ago for my 1988 Electra Glide. It has four pockets, with the two outer ones longer than the two inner. The pockets are about two inches thick and about four inches deep, which would leave plenty of room for the key, and gloved hands. It measures 22.5 inches overall with a mounting hole in the center and plus four others to match the 88 EG windscreen attachment screws. The newer Electra Glides have a three screw mounting system.

JC Whitney used to carry this one but the web site now shows one similar to RHD47s with three bags and three mounting points under the bags. The bags don't appear to be as heavy as RHD's though.

From looking at mine, it appears it would be easily adaptable to the Rocket. The dimensions are similar. Mine could be easily modified with new screw holes, if required, and grommets to fit the Rocket. Unlike the ones on the Whitney site, the holes are hidden either in the pockets or between them. I am going to my friend's shop this week and will look at his catalogs to see if it is still available. If I don't get over there, it won't be for three weeks. If you see one for an 88 model year with four pockets, that should work. Harley changed the windscreen in about the mid-90s. If I find one I will order it for mine and report back.