Windows 10 update, and no more tune ecu. any Ideas?

+1 for the Android app. Couldn't be easier to use.
I setup an older laptop my son gave me with Windows XP Pro. It's strictly my Tune ECU laptop and it worked great the first time I used it. I'll stick with XP.
I have Windows 10 and TuneECU runs fine on my laptop. I am able to connect and download tunes with no issues.
It is a driver problem. Be sure you are using the correct driver for the version of Windows 10 you have. See if it is 32 or 64 bit and go from there.
It is a driver problem. Be sure you are using the correct driver for the version of Windows 10 you have. See if it is 32 or 64 bit and go from there.
The website says it will run on Win 10, 32 or 64 bit.
We are an Apple family but I keep an old laptop for tuneboy and tune ecu

Windows 10 was coded by Mephistopheles. No kidding. Like Phil said STAY WITH WIN 7..WIN 10 is VISTA x Windows ME.

Two PC's I have set back to Win 7 needed copious amounts of fiddling to get the side effects of WIN 10 off.
Windows 10 is VASTLY superior to win 7. It is faster, more stable, more secure, is actively being supported by MS, new software is being written for 10 native, drivers are optimized for 10, the new file system, direct x 12 (when its actually used), better driver support, more drivers built in, better SSD support, faster network stack, faster UI, less hardware demanding UI, faster searches,the list goes on.....

The work around to the problem you are having is:
How to Disable Driver Signature Verification on 64-Bit Windows 8.1 or 10 (So That You Can Install Unsigned Drivers)

It's not the OS problem that people publish software with unsigned drivers, its the software developers lazy ass who didn't bother to sign them properly.

As Alpental said though, the Andriod app is superior. It connects faster, downloads and reads tunes faster, at least if you have a fast android device it does.

Thanks for that info...I did not know that but there is SO MUCH I do not know.

The problem is with Gates giving it away free and people not having your knowledge-what you described is ubiquitous and I have a friend that works at a PC repair shop and he said 10 was to PC repair guys rolling back to 7 as the Yugo was to the National Association of Tow Truck Drivers.

I am staying on 7. The improvement is lost to me and IMHO Win 8/8.1 were tablet/touch PC disasters that begged for 10.

7 is to me like XP was. Point is I guess....New products need to be retroactive to 7. Bought my wife a Fitbit Charge HR and it needed a software upgrade.....Only software supported...WIN 10..Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! not the "speed" determinate of the I/O ergo RAM you have on board? What use is a 3.7GHz quadcore when your memory is running half that speed?
Hmm, you ask some questions with some very long answers, but in short, hardware speed and software speed are two different animals. You can have a very fast computer running a program that is written poorly and it will run equally slow on a super computer or a 10 year old Pentium 3. Windows 10 is optimized MUCH better than 7 ever was, and so the newer your hardware the better it will run.

That little thing about the fitbit, that is exactly why it's time to jump ship from win7, win7 is a dead OS, and more and more frequently you will run into the scenario where you cannot use xxxx piece of hardware unless you upgrade to win10. It isn't being updated by MS any longer, it isn't getting software written for it. It is obsolete, not to say it wasn't a great OS, it certainly was, but its old, its done, and its going to get harder and harder to avoid the win10 upgrade as time goes by.

Windows 7, at it's core, is based on a corporate level operating system released in 1998.
Windows 10, at it's core, is based on a consumer level operating system released in 2012.