speaking of tight check your set before riding if you haven't used them since last year. i lost one tonight because i failed to check them over last night when i put the wind shield back on. lost it 15 miles from home didn't even notice until i got on the interstate and my left hand got cold i reviewed my video and i'll check that spot tomorrow after work. hopefully its still there or i'll be buying another set. @Bedifferent could you increase the size 25% for the larger meat hooked fellows and gals? i don't mind buying another set since i sucked at life.
I lost one and am not sure if it flew off or was lost by the dealer. The dealer replaced them so it worked out. Now I use a couple of zip ties to secure them to the throttle/clutch cables. Same method for my side covers.


Well that sucks! I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not sure why they are coming off other than the material the clamps are made out of simply flexes away a bit over time. I do check mine on occasion, but I have always found the to be tight and still gripping well. I never remove mine for any reason so perhaps I will go back next summer and fasten them permanently to the windshield as i talk about in the instructions. I actually did that on the first set I made, but after the bike got wrecked I never felt the need because they never loosen up when I put them on. I'll PM you.