Finally got a spring day here yesterday. Left home at 7:45 AM to meet up with a couple buddies in Spokane. It was 34 degrees when I left home and want to share the fact that THESE THINGS WORK REALLY WELL! The instructions and the pictures in this thread made installation a snap. Probably less than 10 minutes. Thanks Bedifferent for making such a GREAT product.

Thanks @WildBill for the review comments. It's good to know people are putting them to the test and they are happy with them because they really do work. I sure have been happy with them myself.
I'll give another testament here. I had to remove mine the other day. While my bike was at the shop getting a new rear tire one of them vanished. Of course no one knows anything about it. So I was up riding about 0615, temp about 35 degrees F and the sun just starting to come out. I could tell the difference between having them installed and not installed within the first block or so at speed. Normally I get to work (20 miles) and my hands are fine, yesterday my fingertips were pretty cold, to the point of hurting. First time since I put the deflectors on and now don't have them.

Thanks Bob..I appreciate the endorsement. I was wondering how you came up one short. I could that have fallen off.

I got an email from Kristin at the shop. I sent her some info about getting a set. If I don't here back from way or another I'll get you another one by the end of this coming week.

Since I make the rods by hand, they vary slightly on the half flat thickness. The only variation in my making them. I let you know if I here from her.
Another ringing endorsement here for Mr. Bedifferent's Wind Deflectors. Got them installed yesterday and went for a ride. It was approx 38 degrees F. I don't have heated grips on the Rocket yet, so this was a good test. Amazing. I didn't really have a realistic understanding of what a difference they were going to make. I was riding in regular weight (leather with a thin lining) gloves and my hands didn't even get COLD. Well done, and thank you, Phil!!
I als have a set of these on my 2015 r3t. I am happy with them. They do work...but...I found out the hard way that you must regularly check the clamps for tightness. On my last ride before winter storage, a half mile from my house the right side deflector went flying off and ended up on the road behind me. I stopped quickly and ran back to get it before someone ran it over.
It’s banged up pretty good. I took my wife’s nail file and nail sander to the edges and tried to smooth out some of the nicks.
I was very surprised that the double clamp had loosened up so much that it flew away on me.
It’s good to put them on clean and with the area of the windshield where the clamps go to be clean so as to minimize scratching under the clamp area.
But I guess as long as you always clamp them in the same location, a little scratching won’t matter.
Take care Eric
Maybe some of the new light hold LocTite. It's apparently made for applications such as this.
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Thanks for the good feedback. I'm glad they are working out for you. I was riding in some pretty cold temperatures before the snow showed up and my hands stay warm with no problem. My gloves aren't that heavy either. As for @Eric R I have been running mine year round over 3 years now and I have never had them loosen up or come off. I'm not sure what to tell you. I recommend you make sure they are tight enough so you can't move them. They will be flexed slightly as per my instructions. I have checked mine a couple times, but they still have never loosened up. If I have to reorder the acrylic at some point in time I will keep you in mind and send you a replacement.
Be different, thanks for the offer. I have made sure as to their tightness, with out trying to over tighten either.
They are a great product. I will just keep an Allen wrench with me and check them on occasion.
Take care Eric