mount them sticking out like aircraft wings with a good sharpened front edge for the coming 'Zombie Apocalypse'.
I made some crash bar fillers in Stainless for my Harley - The local Guardia Civil chaps were (and it surprised me a bit, as they're OK guys - we share the same Physio's ) really "anti". Turns out they had been involved with an accident where a set of metal lowers on a cruiser had done some severing - Both rider and bystander.

I must readdress my crash-bar lowers. I had to modify them for my cornering light tests - and I need a new pattern. Now where is that last cardboard box from Amazon?.
Well whenever you're ready I'd like you to make me a set.

When I get a pattern made I'll mail a copy to you to see if it will work. I'll also post it to the forum. It would have to be printed on a legal 8 1/2 x 14 sheet or paste to half together. I'll figure it out to see if it fits peoples needs.

WOW! That is quite a setup you have there. I tried to keep mine smaller, somewhat stylish, easy to take on and off it you like and they look good on the bike I think. You really don't notice them. There are other products out there, but I didn't want bags over my hands. It just seems tacky and unsafe. If people want them I will continue to make them as long as there is interest. I would be just as happy not to make anymore as I haven't gotten rich off them. I'm retired and I have other hobbies. It seems like I run the risk cutting my fingers off every time I make a batch of the pivot rods. They are a pain to make with multiple steps.

They are small but still very efficient in keeping your hand protected from the wind and wind chill. I have run mine at speeds over 100 mph and they don't budge. They have stayed right where I put them for over 3 years. Plus, they don't seem to affect the handling at any speed.

You look like you're pretty well protected and most people don't have the ability to fabricate like you do. I provide an effective out of the box solution.
Luv your solutions, just got mine in place before yours emerged .

Memphis Shades stuff is not cheap I would have gone yours instead but had ordered or got matching system already.
I do have a set o hippo hand like hand covers and I'm well familiar with hand guards, having them on three other bikes, all adventure style, over the years. I know some have adapted them for Rockets and Vulcan Nomads.

Hippo-hands was the trade name I believe for the covers. If I was a daily commuter I'd use them because not only do they keep the hand warm they keep them dry. I need something less and Bedifferent your wind deflectors seem to fill the bill. Roger on sending me the pattern for the bigger ones but I'm sure those that you made for yours would be just fine.

I had the Triumph lowers on my 07 Classic and they were the tackiest looking add on accessory I'd ever had on a bike. They were mounted with rubber lined clamps an were always coming loose.

I think Triumph go it right with the Touring though but everything could use a wee bit of improvement and with these, making them a bit larger would really help.

I had leather or vinyl "chaps" as they are called on two of my Harleys and now on my Nomad and they are regularly available.

I include a couple of pics just for fun. The first is my good friend Mike, about whom I cannot say enough good things. Wonderful guy. I don't take long trips with him because he thinks nothing of getting on the road at 6AM and riding until 10PM not me. Mike is not one to waste material so he fabricated his crash bar chaps from an old suitcase, cutting out the pattern and affixing it with electrical ties. He's riding buddy is appropriately named Buddy. You can just see the chaps a bit in the pic and like the Touring, the Nomads have effective lowers.

The below pic I post of my friend Jack's BMW R1200C, the James Bond bike, with the Hippo Hand. I took this pic on a ride with Jack before we headed back, he on my Rocket and me on the Beemer. I discovered once we got underway that I had no idea where the turn signals were or the horn. I'd failed to take a peek before we getting starting the bike. Jack is also an Iron Butt rider like Mike and now rides a Triumph Bonneville and his TW200 which has taken him the length and breadth of Baja.

Cool pictures! Mike looks like quite a character! Those riding hours would not be me.

That little dog Buddy just loves to ride on that bike. The poor little guy is about 14 now, blind and near deaf.

Mike has a home on acreage in St Mary's Georgia and a house & shop on acreage not far from me. He can do anything from build a house to rebuilding a bike or car engine. He's got 3 Nomad 1500s, one with about 130k on it. Mike's idea of a nice ride is to go from Georgia up to New Hampshire to visit friends and then to Washington state. He camps and rarely gets a motel, another reason I don't ride long range with him.
That is in interest piquing photo. His beard!.
Yeah, I resisted commenting earlier that he must either have a reverse gear and eyes in the back of his head to ride so fast backwards; or
he has a similar issue to many with air rushing in to the low pressure area behind the screen.