Wilbers 642 Initial Impression and some Questions

I see this is an old thread but I thought I might add my experience with the 642’s

I’ve complimented my Wilber’s 642 nightlines with racetech fork springs and valves. Static sag is set at 35mm for two up with spring length compressed to 150mm. Solo settings are 35mm sag with 155mm spring length.

I’ve tuned the high and low speed dampening to improve the ride but I found that setting the correct sag for the load is a game changer for performance.

My 642’s are standard length and it’s not unusual to drag the roadster pegs from entry to exit through sweepers (or any other corner)

I had no chicken strips with the stock suspension and now I’m finding that I probably need to change my corner technique.

I have a cobra chrome on the front an an exedra max on the back.
I found a company, Tractive Dynamics, that makes progressive springs that will fit, and they make the right rates!

Going to put some on before next season and finally take a little of the over spring feeling away, still love my Wilbers after my very long road trip this year. Yes they're hard, but as soon as you twist the throttle hard in 2nd coming off a corner they're magic.
I'm thinking to upgrade my suspensions.
I'm debating which brand to choose.
Most guys go to Progressive, but I don't mine to spend more money to have adjustability.
My concerns about wilbers is about the confort and how hard they can be. I prefer a softer ones for touring.

I run almost the time with 2. I weigh about 90 kg and my wife 60kg.
For fork springs wilber says that have one for lighter riders. What they consider lighters riders?
For the rear, the stock heigh is good for me although I easily scrape the pegs. I'm 1,74 and 79cm inseam.

If I go to Progressive shocks, which one to choose? Standart or HD?
In their site, they only have the 11-1529 for Spring Forks

Should I go for Progressives or Wilbers?
Don't know about Wilbers, but as for Progressives, I just put HD 444s on my Roadster so don't have much time on them. @1olbull has used the HDs and the STD springs and like those much better. With Progressives, you can swap the springs for about $70 USD plus shipping if you don't like what you got.

If you are into touring, the Wilber will likely be too harsh.
The 444s are the best bang for the buck, IMHO, as they are very easy to adjust on the fly - AFTER you have properly set your sag.
Unless you are 300 pounds, go with "Standard". I ride fairly hard and weigh 275 and carry luggage for cross sountry rides.
The HD 444s left me no room for relaxing the spring rate, which was too stiff and not enough sag. The "Standard" work perfectly and easy to tweak for no-luggage hoon sessions!

For the front what do you have or advise?
For the front what do you have or advise?

I would like to have a pair of cartriges, but they're expensive, so I stay with the progressive front fork Springs, which are a huge improvement over stock.
Hey you n ya lady make 150 progressive be fine for yes but if ya a fat fbooker like me 150 by myself a suspension guru here said I needed Wilburs! I got progressive on my v star they are ok but wish I had of paid a little extra for remote adjustment, really could have used it, see if you can get remote go the extra dollars for that.