Wierd idle issues


.060 Over
Apr 23, 2008
Blossom Valley - San Jose, Ca
2008 Triumph Rocket III Standard
First of all... it's been a few years (and a divorce) since I've been on the forum. I still have my Rock and right now having a little bit of an idle issue. Here's what's happening...

2008 R3 Standard with 52K miles.

Owing to a nasty leg injury (jet skiing) I was off the bike for about 14 weeks. In that time I was neglectful and only started it up a couple times. The bike was in the driveway with a cover on it, but that's the only real protection I gave it.

This week I was finally able to go for a ride. Had to jump start the bike, which was easy enough. I rode the entire day through several stop - starts. Now, the idle is a problem. For the most part it's idling at about 2000 to 2500 rpm (it's usually at 900 to 1100).

I read on a blog the possibility that the crank angle sensor magnet has gotten gunky from sitting. So I removed it and wiped it down with a nice lint-free cloth and then reinserted it. That helped for a little while but it's back to the same problem.

I'm hoping there's something simple.
Welcome back Krothnbrg and sorry to hear about the divorce and leg issue. I've had experience with both and don't wish it on anyone...

While I have only a little experience with the idle mess, I wonder if you can hook it to the computer and determine if the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) may be going bad. Mine had to be adjusted when I first bought the new bike but I have heard/read of others that had to be replaced.
I suugest the path of least resistance. 1/2 ca for half tank to full can (if you just filled up of seafoam.
Run for ten minutes. riding if you can. Then park for an hour. Then ride like it's clean and have fun.
It certainly won't hurt, but idled bikes (fuel injected) have some nooks and crannies in the fuel lines.
The fuel pump, if running normally will push fuel through the eye of a needle but the sea foam with clear the arteries.

And our California gas is bad on systems if left sitting.
Are you going to the bike show in long beach on the 14/15/16? I'll try to go on 16th but have to negotiate with boss and grandkids
BB has it, classic TPS symptoms. ECU will not throw a code for it.

and sorry to hear of the other hassles. get the bike fixed up and go disappear for a while. nothing clears the mind better than a trip on the bike.

Thanks for the welcome back. I'll poke around to see if I can take a look around to see how I can see what the TPS is doing or what it'd take to replace it. I'm also going to try the Seafoam to see if it just needs to be cleaned out first. Path of least resistance and all that.

Oh and Phil, I haven't updated my profile yet but I've moved away from Long Beach and am now back in the SF Bay Area (Where I grew up). So I won't be making the bike show this year.

One more thing. I just went up to bikebandit.com and they are showing two TPS's
Throttle Position Sensor, PRI
Throttle Position Sensor, SEC

Not really sure which to get...
One more thing. I just went up to bikebandit.com and they are showing two TPS's
Throttle Position Sensor, PRI
Throttle Position Sensor, SEC

Not really sure which to get...

It will most likely be the Primary