Widow maker journey to the 200hp club

Looks like were gonna tune it or check to see where it is atleast and will have to redo it w when i get a muffler that fits correctly, the tune Mr. Lush sent seems really close by performance and sound but im gonna check to make sure afrs are indeed close to where they should be before i take out across country. Taking conrad the bike next Saturday, i rode out yesterday and talked to him about what to do. Were going for whats best for bike hes not interested in wringing out every hp he can get he wonts the bike to run well and be safe for different fuels i may encounter along the way, so far i run premium and i get no detonation even with baffles out, it runs absolutely perfect but were gonna hook it up to the blood hound his sniffer and just see whats she doin, ill fill you in next week on whats up.
Like that approach.