Why we crash. An incomplete but informative study.

I recently had to find a new doc because the one I had for 40 years retired.
Most that I called were full and accepting no new patients - even though I had awesome insurance.
I find it hard to buy-in that they will go out of business.
Perhaps some of the bad ones and that's not undesirable.

My wife has lost 3 doctors & I have lost 1. All 4 came right out & said it was 100% due to obamacur
My wife has lost 3 doctors & I have lost 1. All 4 came right out & said it was 100% due to obamacur

That there is docs refusing to accept the restraints and demands of Obama care - NOT going out of business due to business failure.
told my doc. if i am ever on life support to unplug it then plug it back in to reboot it,and see if that works

How about hit by a passer by while standing near a stalled vehicle or bike on the shoulder of the road? Just lost a friend to that one.
Ughhh! The hits just keep on coming, Rick.

What a tough and hard to accept way to lose a friend.
Ughhh! The hits just keep on coming, Rick.

What a tough and hard to accept way to lose a friend.

Over the course of my life I have lost two friends that way. Broke down with flat tire. On the side of the road, felt safe because a car was blocking oncoming traffic only for a passer by to strike the blocking car causing the fatality.