I like riding in the rain and I always look at those blokes hiding under the overpass as I pass by and think, they don't know what their missing. Bunch of wimps
Yep seems harder than it looks, I spent winter building my plane off an old 1960's plan and kitting it out, lot of work for 30 seconds of confusion and terror, then found out you can buy them ready to go and pretty robust out of the box, just got given a helicopter a mate bought that lasted less time than my plane, have ordered parts to fix it and a computer simulator, must be learning as I grow older....
Thanks, as an afterthought I recently managed to get an RC Plane too, wasn't as good as I had fantasized, lasted about 30 seconds before burying itself in the dirt at high speed, I have a video my wife was taking of the doomed attempt and the highlight is her trying not to laugh as she walks over to me and my destroyed toy...she didn't do too well
Boy does that bring back memories. When my older brother and I spent quite a bit of time building a plane. Back then it was controlled by cables, no radio controls. Well, my brother took first crack at it. It made it two or three trips around before it did a nose dive and disintegrated into many, many very small pieces.
Never flew again!
I started life as a car builder. I have owned and rebuild more classics, muscle cars and sports cars than I can count. But it became just a continual quest for more power and the next modification. I took them to shows, drove them to work once in a while and generally just polished the paint.
Then I found bikes and the world changed.
I have always used cars and bikes as an escape. Something to let off steam from my too complicated mind and job. Turning a wrench was cathartic but riding a bike is therapeutic. No matter how bad the day has been the idea of being able to go out and swing my leg over a saddle and ride just makes it all better. As I ride the black fog of the day trails off behind me, leaving nothing but the clean mental and spiritual feeling of newness and oneness with the world around me.
Am I hot in Texas in the summer ... yes.
AM I cold in the winter ... not that much.
Do I get wet ... yes
Do I have to dodge idiots ... yes
But in the end, I am still smiling.
I have found that the soul of the bike has to match my soul. Too I have found that some bikes lose this soul and you must ever be on the quest to maintain the soul of your machine. Then, when you find that one, or two or three that maintain something whether you are on them are not .. .you keep them. Forever if possible.