Why do you love motorcycles?

I bin ridin' all my life, --parents would put me between them, from about
3 yrs old, all the family & most neighbours rode bikes back then, not many could afford cars just after ww11.
I started cobbling together old clapped out bikes and made up "scramblers"in my pre /- early teens, along with my mates, and was
(road legal) at 17,and been riding bikes right up to now.
I like poetry and I guess the author felt strongly enough to pour his soul.
However, for this ol' fart , the reason I love to ride ,is because
it's --"who / what I am-- I would hate not to ride bikes,perhaps it's like any addiction?? one only stops if one is wanting to!!
Yes--I do drive a car-- but only coz I have to--

I ride my bike, coz I want to..
Heck of a difference !!
I would have been passionate about motorcycles regardless. But here's why I LOVE them. Why I will never NOT have a bike. My first bike, a little Suzuki Boulevard C50, saved my sanity and maybe my life.

My first tour to Iraq was rough. I couldn't eat pork for a long time because the smell reminded me of burning humans. Then I came back to find out that my fiancee had been cheating on me consistently with at least five dudes for at least two years. I wasn't gone for two years.

So I rode. And rode. Til everything disappeared. Until my soul quit screaming questions at a silent God. Just me and the bike and the road.
Sorry to here this Mike...
Very glad you got yourself sorted and got to know your R3 better too.
I'm definitely not a poet but here goes.

Its funny but when I was 14 I only wanted an R/C airplane and was saving up for one. My parents (who don't ride and never had) said "you should get a motorbike, it would be better than an RC plane" I thought this was a good idea as in NZ you could get your license at 15, what I didn't realize is they were probably trying to kill me....

Anyway got some piece of crap 100cc trail bike and it was simply the sense of freedom it gave me, then I got a Triumph at about 16 I think and never looked back (looked inside lots of motors, gearboxes, carbies etc, etc, for the rest of my life, but hey).

When I got a job at an engineering company I pulled up on my Triumph and parked in a big row of Jap sports bikes (the late eighties). The engineers gave me a hell of a hard time about my old piece of obsolete crap continuously, but also helped me repair it, paint it and everything else without fail, this is where I discovered the camaraderie of bikers in general.

Over the years that freedom and camaraderie has got me into trouble, love, drunken stupors, pain. Its got me lost, found, happy, sad and everything else that's part of life.

And while I've met some asses on bikes, I met most of my best friends too.

That's my bit anyway.