Why do you love motorcycles?

Little bit to much for me!! Maybe his wife wrote that for him or maybe he rides a pink BMW!!
Little bit to much for me!! Maybe his wife wrote that for him or maybe he rides a pink BMW!!
Surely you are kidding! Are you implying that because a piece of writing is descriptive then it is not masculine? Can words be "pink" or "feminine"?
I started this thread for people to be able to write about their experiences and why they love motorcycles. I don't think it is relevant to criticize the writing as "too much for you". Better to say nothing and move on if it is not for you.
Just having a little fun!! You are getting all jammed up about a poem from a person you don't even know!
I just think the guy is full of himself. All you need to say is, motorcycling is fun, exciting, thrilling, and always putting your agility, skill, and experience to a test, all while enjoying the great outdoors!
Hey Lostride, I know you don't like me, but I like the reading. I don't care if a guy or girl wrote it. Partly because I have been stuck in the rain too many times and have found any means to stay dry, even under and overpass once. But also because no matter how many times I ride, I am free on my bike. Good rides or bad rides, I am one with my bike. When I am in my cage I am distracted by lots of stuff, radios, cell phones, not being on my bike etc.... But I wouldn't get to tweaked up if someone does not like it. To each their own as the saying goes.
Good write up.

For me -Now don't burn me... Riding a bike is my second favorite mode of "transportation". Flying airplanes really does it for me. As I walk up to a plane I can feel all of life's' issues, deadlines, past arguments, nasty meetings, and background noises disappearing. Getting into a plane and just burning holes in the sky while listening to your favorite music is the best therapy.
While riding a bike is as close to flying without leaving the ground as you can get!
No burn from me. I wish I had my pilots license. In my opinion that is a level above two wheeled therapy. God Bless Ya.

why do I love motorcycles......?

I guess I am just weird....

I joined the military....weird....
Football, Baseball, Track....sports nut, not weird...
play the drums....weird...
jump off of high things, like cliffs, towers, and planes....weird....
springboard diving, scuba diving, double-black skier....weird...
Taekwondo, judo, aikido....wierd.....
I like big-block chevys, small-block fords, and 3-cylinder motorcycles.....Suzuki 850 'water-buffalo', XS-850 (before my XS-11), and R3T.....definitely weird....
I like cheap mexican beer and ****ed expensive scotch whiskey....weird.....

I ride my R3T to Taekwondo wearing fuzzy house-shoes, because they are easy-on/easy-off, and I am too cheap to go out and buy a set of Crocs.....

there is something about carving that corner up ahead, just right, where the the decelleration, weight transfer, throttle roll-on and accelleration, and lane position, just make you believe in God.....

...but, I LIKE being weird.......it fits, like those fuzzy house-shoes of mine....
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To me it's almost like an orgasm for my mind. I'm still me, but riding makes me feel a little different, a little more adventurous, a little more daring. Sitting on my bike is more comfortable than sitting in my truck. A long ride is tiring at the end of the ride, never during. A motorcycle is a work of art. I enjoy simply looking at them. My motorcycle is a conglomerate of everything I am. I honestly believe if I didn't own a motorcycle, I would be a different person. The only other ride I've ever owned that compared (somewhat in regards to coolness) was my 1964 Corvette convertible. I bought it in the summer of 1968 while I was a sergeant in the Marines. I started college in the fall of 1968, grew my hair out and cruised in my Vette...man, I was too cool to be white.