Who’s Rocket is this?

Forgive me for I don't know any better, and I would definitely throw on some better pipes if I had the money, but what exactly is it about the OEM headers that makes it so bad?

More air in, exhaust needs to take more air out = HP
darn good looking bike!
love the spokes, to heck with cleaning 'em.
don't mind the raised gas cap but can't figure out what the other contraption below is for.
yes, speedo/tach down low is asking for trouble, thought they were boost gauges or such at first.
does NOT need more chrome you waxers!

this bike was built as showbike for watch manufacturer U Boat. Fugly overpriced watches, check the bike here:

or google "triumph rocket u boat"

the Thing on the tank reminds the U Boat watch crown protection, which is clown version of Panerai patented crown protection / sealing mechanism.