whining noise

if it changes with engine speed, and goes away with no throttle, sounds like the noise is in the engine, not the tranny or wheels.
I doubt that's it's an engine bearing, they normally don't whine, at least with standard bearings. if the rocket motor was made with ball bearing assemblies on the crank, then I suppose it could be that.

here's an old mechanics trick(my dad is old) , use a stick. put one end of the stick to your ear, the other end touch on various parts of the motor when revving it to whining speed. when you get real close to the source of the whine, you'll hear it in the stick.

the stick does NOT go into your ear! you know that little part of your ear that you can press against to close off the ear canal? that part. use the stick to hold that shut over your ear as if you were using your finger to do it. you'll hear that whine nice and loud when the stick is right on or near the whining part.

oh, when I say stick, I mean a wooden dowel, maybe 3/8".

then again, it could be 4th or 5th gear, the bearing right there near those gears. touch around on the transmission as well, then see if you can find out where exactly 4th and 5th gear are inside of it?
yeah thanks for this advice. Currently i have been putting earplugs in and just riding, looks like work will be shut down soon so i will have some time to do some more investgations