Which Reset Adaptives Is Best?


Dec 29, 2012
Florida, USA
2011 R3T
It appears to me that there are 2 different ways from which one can choose to accomplish "reset adaptives" after installing a new map. The first way does not require using the Tuneecu program or a computer at all--just start the engine w/o moving the throttle and after it reaches 90 degrees let it idle for 12 minutes then you are done. The second way requires connecting the Tuneecu program, selecting "reset adaptives" then starting the engine w/o moving the throttle and letting it idle until the TPS bar turns green then selecting "disconnect" and turning the engine off.

Other than seeing the TPS bar turn green to indicate the reset is complete, is there any reason to choose the second way over the first way?
The best is to use both. :D

The "reset adaptives" on TuneECU or TuneBoy resets everything to zero, or factory settings. The 12 minute tune will allow the adaptives to adapt to your current location, taking things such as air pressure and temperature into account. If you are relatively close to sea level, and not in a scorchingly hot, or freezingly cold, location then resetting the adaptives will probably get you close enough to go out and ride. If you are in one or more of those conditions then you can still go out and ride, but the bike may cough, splutter, or even cut out until it has sorted itself out- which will take it about 15 to 30 minutes.

If your bike were last ridden at sea level (or Death Valley ;) ) and you put it on a trailer and took it to Denver, then it would be good to do the 12 minute tune before riding it so that it can figure out all the changes. If you were to ride it from death Valley to Denver then it would be adapting all the way and would not be a problem.