Well, I think all these helmet manufacturers should be hung by their gonads! The prices they ask, and made out of materials that are designed to self destruct after only 2 or 3 years, and by then, the model is discontinued and no replacement parts available. Making slight tweaks to the visors, so one model will not fit the other, of the same manufacturer. I know they want you to replace your helmet every 4 or 5 years, for safety reasons, but to have a $500 or more helmet, that has never been dropped, or slid down the road, become trash, because all of the, maybe $50 liner has fallen apart, is ridiculous. Reminds me, tomorrow I have 4 or 5 helmets to take out to the trash. Just ranting, that's all. I'll go to my room now....:cool:
I have been riding for 35 years. I have owned expensive Shoei helmets and cheaper AGV, Arai, Bell, etc.
Until recently, for the last five years, I wore the most comfortable and quietest helmet I have ever owned. I bought it from Aldi for $70 Australian.
People questioned my choice, but carrying certification for all of the current helmet standards, the helmet was on the same playing field as an $800 Shoei and, IMO, outperformed them.
I now run an RJays Carbon Fibre helmet. It is the lightest helmet that I have ever worn. Snug fitting, but a little more wind noise than I have been used to with Aldi helmet.
Sena Cardo is the only comms system that I have used and it did what it advertised. The only issue I experienced was the breakdown of the foam speaker and microphone padding, over the years.
I understand, I have a Shorei that I paid a lot of money for and a $100 HJC I had to buy on a trip when I forgot my helmet
( first time I trailered, lol, remembered everything but the helmet). The Shorei sits on a shelf, the HJC is just a better fit.
I'm a bit of a helmet whore. I typically have on my Gt Air ( wife has a matching one with the SRL2 so we can "talk" while riding), I have 2 Ruroc Atlas 3.0's 3 Ruroc Atlas 4.0's, a older X12, a Bell that i use for motovlogging, a lot of antique ones, and one from work for the motor team!
I never heard about Ruroc. But their design is beautiful!
Currently I'm wearing the Ruroc 4.0 Mercury Carbon myself. I had a 2.0 Ruroc before and really like the brand.

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I have a 7 year old Scorpion and a 2 year old Scorpion. Both are in great shape and even look new as I take care of my stuff. I understand after so many years parts start to go bad and safety is compromised. I took my 7 year old Scorpion apart and looked for any wear or problems. I didn't see any and it's my opinion the "4" year helmet replacement is bullsh**. If you take care of your stuff it will last longer and if I thought for a second it wasn't up to standards I would replace them but every pad in the helmets feel and look relatively new so I'll keep it and check it again in 2 years. By the way, the 7 year old Scorpion is for me when I have a passenger and they get the newer Scorpion helmet. I'm a giver.:thumbsup:
I'm running gt air 2 right at home. In the area of the joints on the sled, I'd probably need it half a cm wider, I guess it's completely loose. but it's better than brand new. I will wait for the intercom and try it in real traffic. but I have to say that despite the fact that it is 100 grams heavier than its predecessor, it feels much lighter. maybe it's because it sits tight on my head.
My Shoei Neotec II... custom painted as a gift from my wife for my 35-yr Air Force retirement last year... The modular design is good for speaking to the guards at the ECP as I'm still on and off an AF Base or Army Post several times a week. I hope to wear this for a looooong time... This is my 6th helmet. Some helmets I have are just for special events (such as the DGR) or on an MSF training range.
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