I think there are many situations where wives meeting would be a bad thing so I tend to avoid it at all costs. Mine has little idea on bikes and what colours work so she will also be ignored in this situation based on the simple rule "it's my bike and I will choose the colours, she sticks to shirt colours".
Popping into a coating place on my way home from work on Monday to look at some samples and am between green or red at the moment. Would have been yesterday but snapped Torx bit on last bolt of last disk and didnt have another! Halfords Advanced, they replaced it with no fuss.
Ignore Grumpy Ole Codger as he is a cheap bastard only offering a tuppence worth of advice
Now here is sixpence worth of advice, sell your bike -buy a trike and have a blue, red and green wheel problem solved and all for the price of less than two bob
Ignore Grumpy Ole Codger as he is a cheap bastard only offering a tuppence worth of advice
Now here is sixpence worth of advice, sell your bike -buy a trike and have a blue, red and green wheel problem solved and all for the price of less than two bob
Think about whether or not you will stop with just the wheels.
If you decide to get color anodized parts on day your gas cap, levers, or other bolt on bits, red will be more available than blue or green I would think
Anything but green, I don't know what it is, but I can't even look at some Kawasakis, that Kawasaki lime green is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.