There's a debate going on here at the moment about the M1 ( between Bris and the Gold Coast ) limit being lifted from 110 to 130, wont stop the peanuts from hogging the right lane under the speed limit.
Plus it's easier than repairing BAD roads. Here the limits haven't altered - but the "leeway" has gone.
It'll stop when the costs of losing too many case costs due to poor camera calibrations outweighs revenue.
Some of the cameras around us have been switched off. Cost more than the revenue generated.
Riding down to nerang just meandering along right on a 100kph and this cop on his bike came right beside me.I glanced at my speedo next second another cop bike and another cop bike and another bike ?that's four cop bikes and me on my own .thank goodness I'm a law abiding citizen
They are advisory, they don't stop you do they but advise you to comply or take the consequences. The advice is inversely proportional to the speed limit, that's in my world anyway.
In the 70s when gas prices spiked.....kind of like today.....the powers that be lowered speed limits to try and save gas.....that was their story. They then placed a $100 excise tax on new cars equipped with air conditioners because those same powers that be thought this was a needless waste of that expensive and in short supply commodity.
That excise tax never went away and the speed limits were never increased.....
That's progress!!!!!!
Max speed on a multi lane highway in Ontario listed at 100kph. Everyone goes at least 15kph faster. A lot of the 2 lane highways are listed at 80kph. My wife was pulled over last year for driving the speed limit. When she asked the officer why she was being stopped, he said she was driving too slow!!!!