What size tire will fit inside the stock touring 2014 fender

@BigNorm why don't you just take your front guard off and go into a shop that has a range of tyres and see what it fits over, noting distance from the bead. You've asked a question that it almost impossible to answer by anyone who, like you, hasn't tried it. I have no idea why you have also been given a heap of advice and opinions on things you didn't ask about, but that's what happens around here when you stick your head up. If you don't like it, don't post I guess.

All is swell. I will pull the fender when I can. It's cool getting to know you all.
All you need is the measurement between the narrowest point when its mounted. Should be the distance between the screw holes.
They actually had to deflate my 200 Cobra to get it in, but it doesn't rub.
I have no idea why you have also been given a heap of advice and opinions on things you didn't ask about, but that's what happens around here when you stick your head up
Ya it's kinda like whack a mole, we all have the attention of a bolt of lightning, makes it more fun on this site.
@BigNorm I have no idea why you have also been given a heap of advice and opinions on things you didn't ask about, but that's what happens around here when you stick your head up. If you don't like it, don't post I guess.

WOW! I guess I really don't know for sure how to take that statement. Maybe your intention is not as it sounds.
But, I really think BigNorm was given some excellent advice that was obviously given without knowing excactly what he was trying to achieve, which was why I asked: What are you trying to accomplish going bigger? Having known his original intention re: the question I would have bowed out. but even though the answer I gave is debatable, the answers/opinions given by Fingers, GPMAZ, and especially Claviger & 1olbull were excellent answers with a ton of information that could be picked up by others. Sometimes answers given are with intent for not just the OP but others reading the post also...........................
My head hurts with the technobabble, but it was informative, that's why I like this site. Unlike teenagers, we are all capable of receiving all information and coming to a decision that best suits our personal needs.

I really didn't intend anyone to get their nickers in a twist. Hope you're OK.

The original question was about how big a tyre could fit under the front guard. I was mostly referring to the suggestions that he try a smaller front tyre and various different sized rear tyres.

I must admit that I too was tempted to comment on the stupidity of putting a car tyre on a motorcycle, but thought better of it.
I've learnt that my views on that topic shouldn't be aired unless certain members have tissues on hand.