Just a suggestion .. if you're having trouble finding a seat because you are compressing the foam and sitting on the seatpan .. maybe loosing a few kilos wouldn't do any harm.
RR I live in kalamazoo area, check and see what you have and shoot me a pic and price, may be interested, still busy downing pain killers...........

I know I have a Russel. That might be a great choice for you. I pulled it because with the wings, I had to slide forward to put my feet down flat at a stop. I'm 6' with a 34" inseam, so it might not be an issue for you.

The problem is I'm a bit lazy so I haven't really wanted to find a box, pack and ship it, that's why I thought if you were close, you could swing by and sit on it before you committed to buy.

If I'm struck with a surge of energy, I'll drag it out and take a picture, look back and see what I have into it (I bought it used) and drop you a line.
Just a suggestion .. if you're having trouble finding a seat because you are compressing the foam and sitting on the seatpan .. maybe loosing a few kilos wouldn't do any harm.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised since this is the internet, but this is one of the most useless posts I've seen. The other contribution to this thread from this participant is second most useless.

I've known guys who were 6' tall and 175 pounds who found the Russell to be the best seat they'd ever ridden. Weight affects the way Russell will build your seat, but it does not have that much impact on just how lousy most stock seats are on most bikes.

The seats on tractors are built to allow any operator to work 14+ hour days. Russell makes tractor seats for bikes. Anyone, of any size, can benefit.

The longest I've ever ridden in one day is 18 hours. Anyone of any weight who can tolerate a stock seat for 18 hours has a true iron butt.
Just a suggestion .. if you're having trouble finding a seat because you are compressing the foam and sitting on the seatpan .. maybe loosing a few kilos wouldn't do any harm.

Didn't you already make this suggestion? :kk:

This was one of those threads that was ticking along just fine, with people sharing their experiences and providing helpful suggestions related to comfy seats. Everyone was playing nice until...

Were you trying to be funny?
Someone asked about pricing. Here's a link to the Russell web site.

Custom Motorcycle Seats and Touring Saddles - "Day-Long" Touring Saddles and Motorcycle Seats by Russell Cycle Products

Prices range from around $600 to maybe as much as $900, depending on choices you make for materials, suspension, heat, etc...

A used Russell seat in very good condition usually runs from 70% to 85% of the new price, depending on the season. Russell gets stacked up during riding season, so anxious folks will give more for an already built seat if they think it will fit them.

Here's a link to Corbin's web site.

Corbin Motorcycle Seats & Accessories | Triumph Motorcycles | 800-538-7035

Corbin seats usually run from about $450 to $650 depending on options.

A used Corbin is priced similary to a used Russell, i.e., in very good condition, you'll probably pay 70+% of the original price.

Corbin builds their seats on their own seat pans. Russell seats are built on your original non-modified stock seat pan.

You can ride in to Russell and they'll build your seat on the same day. I think Corbin offers the same service.

Russell has an excellent reputation for service after the sale. They are anxious to work with you to provide the comfort you desire. Corbin has a reputation for expecting the customer to live with the product, or to resell it if it doesn't work for them.
Geez, maybe I've got something valuable here.
Now, if I could only break away from this Australian soap opera long enough to drag it out...:p
Just a suggestion .. if you're having trouble finding a seat because you are compressing the foam and sitting on the seatpan .. maybe loosing a few kilos wouldn't do any harm.

That's pretty cold, Mate!
Kick a poor fat guy while he's down already . . .
Some of us have knees and hips needing replacement and can't exercise much. Some of us can't keep our fu*kin' mouths shut at the food trough either.
OK - enough personal sharing for me !!! :D
Didn't you already make this suggestion? :kk:

This was one of those threads that was ticking along just fine, with people sharing their experiences and providing helpful suggestions related to comfy seats. Everyone was playing nice until...

Were you trying to be funny?

Was an attempt at humour .. no offence intended. Apologises.


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