What now? (bad idle and poor running)

......do you...by any chance...use the kill switch to turn the motor off?....if so, dont!...leave it alone and use the key...i have had this problem on a 'Storm'....they can play silly buggers and send your hair grey looking for serious costly problems.
Not gonna say it is the problem but simple things like this will drive you insane....ask me how i know!!..
Guilty as charged, but I wouldn't think that would cause this particular issue. Then again, I still don't know what is.....
Reset ur iscv
Jay- I did that and after still having problems removed the linkage from the stepper. I'm not sure if I can adjust it now, but I'll look. Btw, if anyone wants a straightforward step-by-step of that process @R-III-R Turbo posted a video here.
I guess I'm driving the RV to work. I hope to get home in time this afternoon to lift the hood again and have a look see.

The new/used MAP sensor from PinWall was supposed to have been here Monday. It's stuck in Ohio for some reason. I'll see if the old one will hold a vacuum, as @Gerald suggested. I have new vacuum hose that came in yesterday that I'll go ahead and put on. Question- can I cut the hoses a little shorter than stock, as long as I keep the length equal on all three?

No one is suggesting a bad coil, but I wonder since, when bad, they can act up intermittently, which is what my issue is doing. The bike ran great for days of hard riding and then suddenly this back-handed slap. If anyone agrees that could be it, do I just swap a new coil in each position one at a time and see if it clears up, or is there a more efficient way to test?
A loose wire on coil 1 or any coil a real possibility. Them crimps gotta be tight tight tight. Get up in the nose and check 1 real good.
A lot of the sensors can be tested with an voltmeter while on the bike. MAP and TPS usually have 3 wires each. One wire will be ground, the other power (5 volts) and the other signal voltage, which is usually low at idle increasing as you open throttle. I have checked them on other vehicles and outboards by inserting a paper clip into the connector on the signal and ground wires, then hooking up a voltmeter to read the voltage as you open/close throttle. A smooth transition from 1 to 5 volts and back should take place. Similar for MAP sensor but you would use a vacuum pump to test or the engine itself.

Here is one of many videos on how to test these sensors. how to test a tps sensor with a multimeter - Google Suche
back a few posts u had mention silicone hoses there is a possibility when they get hot they might collapse causing probs. use a firm rubber vacuum hose
i would not take a chance cutting the hoses shorter after all u have enough problems as it is.
my 07 has around 50000 miles and every time i have had trouble it has been sticky throttle plates/stepper i spray them with wd40 work them a little them wot and let it fly shut a few times
i still have original stepper motor ,tps,map ect.
although i suspect my stepper needs some attention.
some one has subjected that u do an iscv test and u answered that u did that however u have been doing a lot of things at one time so if u do the test when idling good then the test would be good but if u do the test when running bad then it might show that the plates r out of position (sticky)
I suggest you have an exorcism performed on your bike to rid it of any demons.
If it still runs poorly it can only be one thing....


I know, I'm so helpful.