What is the difference in the Model years

And that is the truth:D plus the new roadsters only have two exhausts some drunk englishman forgot to put three on or he could not count up to three anyhoo it only has two and does not look as good as the three pipe set up.
Plus they are friggen huge and I mean friggen huge.:eek:

Yes they are and I can't wait to hear them when I get them opened up a little!!! Bet those massive megaphones will have a deep rumble or at least I hope so! I'm booked to fly out to NC tuesday to pick her up (the new Roadster).
What is control position and what does the color have to do with power out put?

Oh boy that is some question to ask:D when the rockets first came out in 2004 Triumph only produced the fast Red colour but due to the massive power output it actually scared people away from buying the bike so Triumph then introduced some other colours with a lot less HP and Torque, I hope this answers your question and anyone who tries to tell you other wise is telling you porky pies.:D(black was and still is considered an entry level bike)
Oh boy that is some question to ask:D when the rockets first came out in 2004 Triumph only produced the fast Red colour but due to the massive power output it actually scared people away from buying the bike so Triumph then introduced some other colours with a lot less HP and Torque, I hope this answers your question and anyone who tries to tell you other wise is telling you porky pies.:D(black was and still is considered an entry level bike)

Are you guys messing with me? You are actually saying that Triumph made certain colors faster than other colors? That is hard to believe.

How can they say there was a power increase in 2010 then? According to you guys there was a power increase in 2010 but the power increase made the bike slower?

I am looking to get a Rocket and was just trying to figure out what year model would be best of if i should just buy a new 2012.

Now I am confused.
Are you guys messing with me? You are actually saying that Triumph made certain colors faster than other colors? That is hard to believe.

How can they say there was a power increase in 2010 then? According to you guys there was a power increase in 2010 but the power increase made the bike slower?

I am looking to get a Rocket and was just trying to figure out what year model would be best of if i should just buy a new 2012.

Now I am confused.

Don't let Dave (Scot) confuse you. Owners of red Rockets have an inferiority complex that makes them believe that theirs is the faster color.
As Triumph made improvements and increased the power they released them in the ultimate faster color, black. Along the way there were blues, oranges and even yellows but ultimately black was the fastest version.
Truthfully, there have been some fixes on earlier models for design issues. I believe this mostly affected from 2007 on back. I don't know that I would buy an early model if I could not confirm these "issues" had been fixed.
Yes they are joking... We always argue about which color is faster. Of course, one look at mine, and we know which color is really faster.. :) Triumph claims there was a power increase when the Roadster came out, along with stronger clutch and drive train parts. Realistically, the power increase probably came from the exhaust change, and any slightly modded older Rocket will have no problem keeping up with a Roadster.

Any Rocket of any year, with relatively inexpensive mods, will put out about 150 HP / 150 lbs/ft of torque. If you want more, it will start costing ya. Mine sits at 140 HP/ 142 lbs/ft at the moment, with an air filter change, I could reach the 150s, but I'm pretty happy with the way she runs right now.

Most of the differences have already been listed.. In addition handlebar clamp/gauge mounts have been changed, in about '06.. The early '04 Rockets have a slightly different oil pan than newer Rockets with drain plugs located in different locations.

My 2004 Rocket III Standard just turned over 70K miles this weekend, with no internal changes other than the output shaft bearing, which was an early recall issue. At 70K miles power has not declined at all, the transmission shifts smoother than ever. It is really running great.
EVO.. WE are all ribbing! The nice things with the older ones are less emmisions. Any way you go. You will be more than satified with the power. If you can get a sweet deal new. Buy new. You have a warranty then. If your going to beef it up. buy used and let someone else take the $ hit on buying new. Besides. your going to take off all the slow parts anyway!!! enjoy !!!!!!!