What helmet do you use on your Rocket?

Not everyone can cut loose a grand. If not affording the best means i have to park it, im getting the best i can afford. Its my belief that helmets best protect against your head or face sliding on the pavement. If you hit something headon with your head, it may save you skull but not your neck. The weakest point. Im throwing my "former firefighter card".
Maybe now our new administration can regulate us wearing neck braces. Oops. I went political.
Sorry im drinking some high octane coffee.
Helmets are individual choices. I live in a state where helmets aren’t required. Having put a dresser on its side on the pavement, my choice to wear a good fitting helmet was a good choice. Totaled the Road King, destroyed my Modular Helmet. The helmet scraped down the road with my head unscratched and unscrambled. Neurosurgeon met me at the E.R. doors with the Neuro ICU charge nurse with him. Oh ya, the nurse was Jamie, my wife. After all the tests, ass chewing, and hugs the Dr. gave me a personal note with his cell number. No bruises on the brain or head. Lots of road rash but fine. Lucky ya, but a good helmet saved my fat butt. True story
I wear a HJC modular or a Bell 3/4 with a 5 snap clear shield. Remember helmets are put into 2 distinct types. Round heads or egg heads. That’s why fit IS important.
P.S. The Charge Nurse, wears a Harley Davidson 3/4 with a flip down 1/2 shield, or a scorpion 3/4 with a flip down visor.
My last Scorpion costs $190.00 (on sale from $230.00) but if someone can afford to spend 1K on a helmet they want I say good for them. Some wear helmets because the law requires it and don't care what it looks like and others like the 'looks' of a helmet. I say good for them all.
As far as the laws themselves they were put into place because uninsured riders that crashed and injured themselves had the county and state pay their bills. The states enacted the laws so they didn't have to pay the outlandish medical bills of the injured riders anymore. Some people thought the law was enacted for their safety. Nope, it was not.
Ive always doubted that excuse to enact laws for the public good. Id bet a vast majority of motorcylists have insurance. The media is required to report whether or not someone was wearing a helmet/seatbelt. An example; i kid was riding a bicycle and got squashed and killed by a school bus. The end of the story stated "she was not wearing a helmet".
Scorpion EXO 3000


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As far as cheap helmets that are actually good, check out the company 1Storm.
I had a 1storm from ebay last November i hit a deere was going about 40mph when made impact. Broke collar bone and a pretty good case of road rash. My glasses was shoved up to my forehead leaving a small scratch.
While at the er getting patched up they kept
Asking if i hit my head. To witch i kept saying no. My girlfriend took me to hospital and had to wait out in car with her daughter because of covid. After they kept insisting that i hit my head i called my gf ask her to inspect the helmet. Sure enough i had at some point skidded on my face. I'm really glad i made the decision to go full face