Helmets are individual choices. I live in a state where helmets aren’t required. Having put a dresser on its side on the pavement, my choice to wear a good fitting helmet was a good choice. Totaled the Road King, destroyed my Modular Helmet. The helmet scraped down the road with my head unscratched and unscrambled. Neurosurgeon met me at the E.R. doors with the Neuro ICU charge nurse with him. Oh ya, the nurse was Jamie, my wife. After all the tests, ass chewing, and hugs the Dr. gave me a personal note with his cell number. No bruises on the brain or head. Lots of road rash but fine. Lucky ya, but a good helmet saved my fat butt. True story
I wear a HJC modular or a Bell 3/4 with a 5 snap clear shield. Remember helmets are put into 2 distinct types. Round heads or egg heads. That’s why fit IS important.
P.S. The Charge Nurse, wears a Harley Davidson 3/4 with a flip down 1/2 shield, or a scorpion 3/4 with a flip down visor.