What helmet do you use on your Rocket?

DOT standard doesn't actually hold any maker accountable. They test their own stuff and then tell the DOT if it passed or not.

You can live without an arm, leg etc.. but you can't live without your head.
You can live without an arm, leg etc.. but you can't live without your head.
true story!....i have seen....as many others have too no doubt..the result of riders sliding down the road with their helmet grinding away on the tarmac!!..Those lucky enough to escape injury are quick to praise their good helmet!...It not only has to be a good helmet but it has to fit correctly otherwise its just a hat!
My Schoei GT air 2 cost me over a grand ..NZ....but im glad i got it.
Yep, same old Sonny. Hey you forgot to tell us how many miles you have on your rocket, supposed to include that with every post.
Sonny, Why make the comments??? People have the right to purchase whatever they want. They don't have to please you. I see you purchased a modified exhaust for your X. Why??? The stock one was included in the price of the bike and was approved for use on the highway. Was the replacement approved? Why did you spend $$$$ of dollars on it? See my point. I purchased an expensive helmet for the extra airflow, lightness, pinlock screen, liner, quietness, etc etc etc. Understand now? Sorry, but sometimes.......
Im running a $100 helmet from a dealer. Im about to upgrade to a bluetooth helmet from the cycle gear store that opened here. But im not going to spend more than 300 for any helmet. B4 someone says "whats your head worth", alot of people dont wear any. Besides the ladies cant see my ugly old face.
Btw i survived a car left turning in front of me years ago on my sportster with no helmet. But i hit the hood and broke some bones. If i hit the cabin area my melon woulda smacked into it.
Its his opinion! And i share it. But I dont care what anyone does with their money, unless they want to donate sone to my personal charity "save the rockets".
I passrd a chick on a ninja. She was wearing a helmet with cat ears and i thought it was awesome. I was in my truck and gave her a thumbs up just for being out there and doin it.