What have you done to your R3T lately

Before and after, SEM Classic Coat
SEM 17093 Black Classic Coat - 12 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H6O2XS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_3EJB0VHSBQFS2TQPVQGE

Got another can on order to put a couple extra coat's on the driver's seat where it was really worn. Haven't sat on it yet, I'll try the white towel test and sit on it, I don't have any white pants but I'll let you know in a few weeks how it's holding up, I'm happy with the finish, satin not gloss or flat, just what I wanted!!!
Good Day All


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Did a compression test, all about 195psi.
Spayed carburator cleaner through the jets through the hose and turned it over, it wouldn't fire, just cranked it for a while.
Changed the plugs, wanted to take it to work but piled everything, boxes on the back, too many, hopefully tomorrow is nice weather says 6% chance of rain, I'll take that!!!
The only thing I haven't done on maintenance is change the oil, going to do that when I'm done riding this season, pretty soon.
And I haven't checked the valves, don't know if I want to do that, I think I'll try to contact the seller to see if he did it lately!!

I've been buying some spare used parts, sensors almost have them all, all the check mark's I have, and what I paid for them is listed 2nd, listed 1st is MSRP. Just in case they get discontinued, hopefully they are good

T1290987 crank POS sensor $65.74 offer accepted $29√

T1290053 road speed sensor $137. 1@-$29√ 1@-$63 included insurance 1 year√ 1@-$23√ 2- left

• T1290360 temp sensor not available √ $12

T1292004 air temp sensor $47

T1290650 ecu, xc, base, looking for this at a good price of course


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Looking forward to your future reports about this. The original seat on my '08 Touring is in good shape overall but the passenger part has scuff/drag marks from previous owner's boots. Is your after market seat leather or vinyl?
Looking forward to your future reports about this. The original seat on my '08 Touring is in good shape overall but the passenger part has scuff/drag marks from previous owner's boots. Is your after market seat leather or vinyl?
Vinyl and it scuffs really easy, I got one already, I got 2 more can's on the way, the color coat product might be better for leather!!
Running a lot better with the new plugs and sprayed carburator cleaner through the injectors, no more decel pop at all, and seems to be more power. And I checked the compression all 195 psi .


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Thanks for the picture, I see what you mean. I am so old, older than dirt, that I doubt I'd get any scuffs over the rider's seat because I can't lift my leg up to get over the seat. I have to swing my leg over the the pillion, ain't getting much easier as time marches on. Anyway, thanks for update. I bought Iridium plugs a couple years ago for my '06 classic but never installed them. I see mixed reviews about them, so they remain on the shelf. Did you use standard OEM plugs? I love a little decel pop so that is something I will not try to correct.
Hope you have many more years, I'm getting up there too, arthritis in my foot, so I know what you mean, and yes I put the iradium plugs in, I think I replaced the originals with 45,000 on them, it still pops quietly a little, but lost the occasional hickup at low rpm, I like them. Yeah if I did it again I would get a price on recovering the seat or doing it myself. Do you have a leather seat??? Does it stay wet when it gets wet???
No leather, other than the OEM leather pouch on the windshield and the one on the passenger backrest. I have the original vinyl seat which suits me fine with little to no maintenance other than vinyl cleaner/conditioner occasionally. As far as my seat getting wet, it doesn't. When caught in the rain my big fat butt keeps it dry and the wind keeps it off the passenger seat as long as I am moving and what little gets on there beads up and easily wipes away when back in the garage. I see mixed opinions on the Iridiums but glad to see your experience has been positive, so I may give them a go one of these days.
Today I balanced the throttle bodies, reset ISCV and reset adaptives. I have had a stutter at around 2000rpm @ constant throttle. No problem at idle or accelerating. Weather is not cooperating for test ride yet. I hope this sorts it.