What have you done to your R3T lately

I'd just like to try the crackle paint

Before and after video of the Triumph R3T without de-cat crossover pipe and with it, both have the TOR's exhaust slip-ons, and also after with the Nell's tuneECU hex MAP with secondaries 100%, and you can hear the air sucking in after, before it had the 20368 map I think.
I'm fairly satisfied with the way it's running, definitely more power and torque, but I think with a fine tune by somebody that knows what they are doing it could be better, once I do a compression test and put the new plugs in and tighten and clean the primary connections on the coils and check the TB balance again I'll take it in, but I really like the way it rides, getting on the throttle it doesn't miss a beat, and it idles perfectly, it still up in the air what the MPG is going to be, haven't gone through a tank yet, I was getting around 30, so I think it's going to be a little less than that 😁😂🤣.
Received the $350 worth of used parts I just ordered from pinwall 😁👌👍 I'm getting prepared for the BIG DISCONTINUED PART'S after 13 year's, bummer, I have all the sensors except the crank position sensor, might have to buy that new to beat the discontinuation, can't find it used, and the $350 was no sensors other than the one's that came on the TB's. 😁🤔
It has an on and off decel Pop, a little better than the 20368 map, and a hiccup once in a while, I can't always reproduce it so I think it's a loose primary coil wire, I was meaning to clean and re crimp them all soon anyway, didn't do anything this past weekend cause it was raining most of the time but mainly because my internal water pump on my 2017 Chevy equinox 2.4l eco-tech blew out the seal and my mechanic wanted over $3,000 to fix it, but he was going to replace the timing chain too, found out after I traded it in that it cost $1,000 avg. To just replace the pump, but it takes like 4 hrs to do it, the pump alone is only $150, but you have to buy a lot of gaskets for all the junk you have to take off to get to it.
It had 98,000 miles on it so it was time to get a new one anyway, my mechanic told me last year to get rid of it, I should have listened to him, but I really like my new used truck 18,000 😁👍👌☺️
Did go out and got some supplies for painting the touch-up on the front fender of the Rocket, oh and I got the water release sticker paper on Amazon $10 for 10 sheets, to try that painting that I posted about on YouTube, not going to try on the Rocket first though, but was thinking about using a gif of Rocket the racoon from the Avengers of the Universe and baby Groot, if I can do it when I test try it I may put a small one on the back fender or something, I'm thinking a flag too, or 2 or 3, I'll see how it goes, I want to see how it weather's for a while before I put it on the Rocket 😁👍👌☺️🤔

GL to all, and to all a good night😴
"Live To Ride and Ride To Live"
I wish I had some nice Twisties on the way to work, but It's all turnpike for an hour, tried it once, almost got cut off and it wasn't too much fun, maybe once in a while 😁🤔
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finally got the touch-up done, not perfect, but unless you know it's there, it's not too noticeable. All done with a harbor freight air brush, the $20 one. It was going good then I let the buffing pad get too dry, Bummer
disassembled a race touring rocket engine. (Maybe largest (teaser) rocket engine ever built) but it will be race only, dry deck? Bigger bore? Ooh ooh i know a smart cat in ireland that already has a crank and balancer in hand😬. enough tease, another trans off and this time local so i hope to have the widowmaker screamin by halloween. 😎


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Can i send you my fender :D
Thanks but it's really not professional, I messed up and got the polishing pad too hot, if you look close you can see ripples and didn't sand the whole area I painted over underneath so it's not sticking on the edges in area's, but looks a lot better than it did, used color rite paint, ordered online, 2oz jet black touch-up jar, 2oz clear coat touch-up jar, and ordered 1 pint of reducer on it's own cost extra $10 for shipping, all together like $100 for color rite, didn't know I needed reducer, tried to paint with brush in cap, not good, bought a cheap $20 airbrush from harbor freight, took all day to put like 4 coats on it each, color and clear, looked horrible till I sanded out and polished with a rotary and polishing compound and foam pad. I also touched up 2 chips and a scratch, chips came out good, not perfect, but less noticable, I still have a scratch on the tank I coated and it compounded right off, still a work in progress, but thank you, I've painted a few car's, and bikes, it's not too hard if you learn the on and off stroke, just don't hold the trigger down and change direction, you have to let go off the edge, and start again on the way back, keep it moving the same speed and distance away, I'm sure there's a video on YouTube
Color rite has aerosol cans too, cost a little more but it's already reduced and you don't need an air compressor, but for small chips I would do the airbrush, I didn't think mine was going to be that big, I should have taken the fender off and pounded out the dent, but while I had the wheel off I did it upsidedown and missed the dent a few times and made more work, had to pound it back down from the top and sanded down to the white primer went from a half inch to like 5 inches, and I kept going beyond the sanded part and the paint won't stick, but it worked good on the chips, about 1/4 inch,
Once I get some time I'll take the fender off and do it right, sand the whole thing down good, prime and paint it right, I was in a rush, a rush job never turns out perfect, the only problem if I do that I have to match the pin stripping and do that to if I can do it with tape, if not I can't do it by hand so I'll have to get that done, probably see how much they want to do the whole job at an auto body shop, can't be too much, I'm thinking of putting Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy. On top of the mess with that release paper, I have some postings on paint jobs with release paper, pretty cool, you just print it out and paint the back white and stick it on wherever and paint over with clear and feather it in, I just don't know how long it would last and would it hold up to the elements. Gl
Washed it last weekend and put the "Pig Spit" on the motor and the rubber floorboards and shifter rubber, had to wipe off the floorboards was a little slippery but okay now.
Pig Spit Original Detailer Aerosol Spray - 9 oz Can - (2) Pack Amazon.com: Pig Spit Original Detailer Aerosol Spray - 9 oz Can - (2) Pack : Industrial & Scientific

Got Dupli-Color gun metal spray paint for under the rear floorboards as it is starting to rust, bought some satin clear to knock out the gloss, couldn't find the right paint, but I didn't call Triumph, and bought it online Amazon, if it looks bad I'll have to find something else, maybe Jet Black. Should be in today. Hopefully get to it this weekend,
Dupli-Color - EPAE10800 Gunmetal Premium Acrylic Enamel Spray Paint https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CZCLDLT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_B8T206S0JZQC01Q5G3C2

VHT DA1693 Premium Enamel Matte Clear, 12 Fluid Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R244EW...abc_R56T0S3T88CQFCJ043NM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Wish me luck 🤞😁👍👌


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