What good will come from Corona19

Just the opposite unfortunately back to my old eating habits probably gained 10lbs. already.
I unfortunatelly have to agree. The whole stomach reducing operation i had 12 months ago is going down the drain because im eating crap like there is no tomorrow. Last £130 worth of shoping its all snacks and booze. ☹
Im already looking like 9 months pregnant

Now that is a hard one to blame on the corona19 I would put it down to being a greedy b**t**d
But Kojack; H1N1 and SARS did not trigger the response that the CCP19 has. I was in the hospital back then and we had very few H1N1 cases. There is something about this one that is different.

I agree, not the same bug at all, but clear warning shots over the bow to get our act together. Of course, we did not. We're more interested in partisan politics, the Kardashians, free stuff and American Idol.... lol
So thinking about something good. We all expect to see a mini baby boom starting sometime after Christmas.

The new kids will be call Coronials. I have contemplated what the most popular Boy name and Girl name will be. How about Cory and Rona ?

Or Vi and Russ, Vicky and Tim; bit Tess Les though

Yes, but now, instead of bringing up the rear where I usually ride and now worry about inhaling what the clowns in front of me are exhaling.....I move to adjacent lanes if possible or fall way the heck back.