What good will come from Corona19

Rick you are kidding, right? because I thought it was hysterical especially the condom one
I'd like to think that we will learn something and maybe we will, but I don't think it will stick. We got warnings with Ebola, H1N1 and SARS, but we ignored it. Face it, we in the US had ZERO plan for a pandemic and I'm not sure the WHO had anything better. There will be some rumblings for a while, but let's face it, us humans are creatures of habit and we will go right back to all our stupid behaviors. I've never been a germaphobe, but I've always believed in basic hygiene. I always wash my hands after the restroom, when I first enter the house, before meals, etc, but maybe I was raised that way. I also clean my phone every two days. I guarantee you that COVID spread as fast as it did because people cannot stop touching their phones and they don't clean them, but they touch everything else including shake hands.
Well I'm glad to have made you laugh. I think that these are good ideas, specially the single use menus and disinfectant wipes on the tables. Those menu things are nasty.
Agree with you on the menu's in fact a few restaurants here had paper ones printed that you could keep or throw them away, it is a good idea
Gas stations should have paper gloves to wear during fueling. I have seen some carry large single use vinyl ones. How about the single use disinfectant wipes on tables. The rag our waiter uses God only knows where it's been.

Most people still don't know what a virus is or that the most prolific transmitting vector are the little ones. They touch everything and then place their hands in their nose or mouth. Their unsuspecting parents would be offended if you though their child could harm someone.
Well I'm glad to have made you laugh. I think that these are good ideas, specially the single use menus and disinfectant wipes on the tables. Those menu things are nasty.
Contents and surfaces, usually both are equally to be avoided for your general health!

Salt and pepper shakers are a real horror usually, even without cv.

But Kojack; H1N1 and SARS did not trigger the response that the CCP19 has. I was in the hospital back then and we had very few H1N1 cases. There is something about this one that is different.